Cognitive Domination

Cognitive Domination

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Just as with all the gold rushes throughout history, only a few will profit from the Internet gold rush while the rest frustratingly pan for nuggets. Tom Sandone

If you have tried selling anything on the web I probably don’t need to tell you how difficult getting high conversion rates has become. If you have been struggling it’s not your fault. There is such a barrage of information how can you be expected to figure out what works and what does not? And there are a dizzying number of choices for marketing. People are trying everything to drive traffic and sell their products and services; email marketing, newsletters, blogs, Twitter, Pay Per Click, video, Social Media, SEO, and more. Yet the number one *FAIL POINT* is SALES COPY. Most sales copy is failing. And I am talking about the sales copy hawking one eBook or the Fortune 500 company marketing the next big thing.

Working to Get More Traffic to a Web Page that is Not Successfully Converting is; “Continually doing the same thing again and again and expecting different results.”

Do you know the Number One Reason most people think their websites are not converting? They will say they are “not getting enough relevant traffic.”

This might SURPRISE you: Most websites are not failing because of a lack of relevant traffic to the page. They are failing because the sales copy is NOT WORKING. While there are websites that get inadequate traffic, if your website is getting traffic from affiliates or organic search results you are getting relevant traffic. How do I know?

As hard as all this might be to hear there is $350 billion backing up the fact. That’s what Google is worth at this time. The sole purpose of Google’s search engine has been to provide the best possible search results for their users. They constantly spider the web with algorithms they continually improve. They are spending a fortune to make sure you are getting relevant traffic.

And if you are getting traffic from affiliates? Most do not spend their time or money foolishly to promote products. They are also sending you relevant visitors. They will eventually move on if they are not getting conversions from pushing your product or service.

FACT: If your conversion rates are not satisfactory at smaller amounts of traffic they are not going to get better with more traffic. And getting more traffic COSTS MONEY and eats away at profits. I have seen this again and again: Marketers working their tails off while traffic acquisition costs continually reduce profit; frequently to the point of suffering a loss.

You are not alone. The majority of businesses and website owners continually dump more money into trying to get more traffic than into getting more conversions. PROOF: Look at how many websites and landing pages NEVER if hardly ever change and look at how the SEO/SEM industry has exploded.

Most website marketers set up a site or other advertising that does not follow the Cognitive Domination Sales Copy System™ and then stop. If they do split test and make changes there is commonly inadequate data and misinterpretation of that data. Then they are forever spinning their wheels feeding more energy, time, and money into a *broken hopper.*

My name is Tom Sandone from Colorado and I am here to help you make sales online. I have good news: conversions are f the time. Whether you are just beginning or a veteran of selling online, my Cognitive Domination Sales Copy System™ will help you do just that. Help you make more sales…or whatever action you wish people to take on your web pages. While the vast majority of people are struggling online, there are people making sales… loads of sales. So what separates the people that are making tons of sales online from you? Please read the following and let this sink in: The majority of people making the big sales online have done so with the same tools you have right now; a keyboard and mouse. So how are they doing it? What is the one thing they have that you don’t? Is there a secret code? Well YES! So to speak.

So what is the secret to making loads of sales online? Is it fancy graphics? While graphics do have influence, cognitive messages are communicated with language or words:

The online selling code for using the right words in the right combinations to communicate and cause action.

With the Cognitive Domination System for Sales Copy ™ you find out how to start making MORE SALES using nothing more than your keyboard and mouse.

Discover How to Lead Your Prospects’ Cognitive Processes So That Buying Your Product or Service Becomes an Almost Subconcious Event!

Cognitive Domination™ appeals to ‘cognitive serial processing’. Cognitive serial processing is how our brains work. Serial processing effectively means one process has to be completed before the next starts, based on a number of factors. In the case of sales we are processing information in a number of ways based on the communication, presentation, perception, and individual bias. And in order to work, to get results, the stimuli for serial processing when selling must be done in specific sequence.

Cognitive Domination™ increases conversions for Sales Copy, Video Sales Letters, Sales Funnels, Email Marketing, and Advertising’

See How to Turn Even the Toughest Skeptics Into Believers So Convinced They Will Not Only Buy From You But Be Willing to Fight to the Death to Defend You!

Rather than opposing or attempting to eliminate your prospect’s objections Cognitive Domination™ capitalizes on your prospects’ existing cognitive biases to collaborate your sales copy and offer. Cognitive Domination™ selling is not about slinging BS. Selling is rooted in behavioral science whether happening in person, over a phone, in a commercial, in a letter, or online.

Cognitive Domination™ for sales copy bridges the gap between psychology and technology for selling. I have been developing Cognitive Domination™ for several decades by studying human behavior, cognitive psychology… Read more…