Fiverr Marketing

Fiverr Marketing

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It’s a sneaky little site that lures you in with the promise of hungry buyers, all waving five dollar bills at you in exchange for simple tasks.

The problem is… while you scramble to find the perfect gigs, promote them, and work hard to deliver them,

“Wow, you’re right!  Why WOULD anyone want to sell on Fiverr?  Sounds like only an idiot would go on there.”

You see, a few months before I found out this “Fiverr marketing method”, I  was a struggling freelancer.

You know the story – had to pay bills, figured making money online would be my path to salvation! (bet that sounds familiar!)

So when I read an article on yahoo about this strange ‘gig site’ that let you set up jobs and strangers paid you money for it, I had to go check it out.

I toyed around with it for a couple months on and off.  I had sold a couple writing gigs, tried my hand at design, a little bit of everything.

But then, when I was finishing up a gig one day and getting ready to deliver it to my client, a neat idea popped into my mind…

And within a few hours of delivering my ‘specially tweaked’ gig, that client sent $500 straight to my paypal account.

Within 4 days, out of the 10 remaining orders, 2 more people sent me $500, 3 wanted to talk about working on projects with me and one asked me to write him up a monthly consulting contract.

Now I bet you’re curious what I did or said to them to get me to send over money- and you probably think I’m going to drag this out and make you wonder what I did to land those clients…

Nope- I’m going to tell you RIGHT NOW what I did to get all those $5 Fiverr buyers to send me that extra money and beg to work with me.

The REAL money in Fiverr comes from turning those $5 customers into rabid $100, $200, $500 (and even in one case for me, $4000!) customers!

Here’s the beauty, to make this method work, you don’t NEED a specific skill or series of steps to make it work – you don’t have to be a writer or even know anything about SEO.

All you need is the ability to manage jobs and a passion for making LOTS of money  “All you need to do is know HOW to leverage Fiverr – and you have a sea of endless buyers at your disposal – and  you’ll be earning much  more than $4 per sale

In fact, I set up and tried the method several times, with different gigs in different niches – and each time I was able to convert gigs into $200+ deals.

An actual marketing methodology that will let you take ANY niche, ANY gig, and ANY scenario – and turn your gig account into a highly profitable money-making machine!

Step 1)  I walk you through the nuts and bolts of Fiverr – we get your account set up the RIGHT way to make sure you attract the buyers you want.  I show you EXACTLY how to find and pick the perfect gigs to start setting up and promoting.

Step 2) I give you advanced methods on how to get instant traffic and buyers to your gig – even if your account is only minutes old! I share with you advanced Fiverr secrets that even many TOP SELLERS don’t know!

Step 3) I guide you through the 3 Ultimate FIverr Marketing Methods – the way you can turn your Fiverr account into a money-making marketing tool.   Consistently.

But the techniques are simple, easy to implement and if you’re ready to start taking a slice of that online cash ‘pie’ – then this is an incredibly easy way for you to break into the market.

And whether or not you ‘make it big’ – most Fiverr Marketers have reported that they quickly earned back TRIPLE what they invested in the Fiverr Marketing techniques – within the first couple WEEKS!

The beauty is – you can make this work online, offline, in any country that accepts paypal, and around the world!

In a recent info graphic, Fiverr noted that at least 14% of its users were running full time businesses using Fiverr alone.

Although I currently have many different businesses and streams of revenue, for a while I did nothing but earn money using my Fiverr Marketing Methods.

There’s a HUGE and hungry market on Fiverr, just waiting to stuff money into your paypal account – all you need is the methods.

Now, I know you’ll love my product, but I want this to be an easy decision for you – so I’m giving you my…

Simple. Because it’s a method that can be applied to any niche, I never have to worry about market saturation!

In fact, I’ve already sold over 300 copies of Ultimate Fiverr Marketing – and every week, I get new letters from Fiverr Marketers who have used this simple system to make a TON of money On Fiverr

And of course – I still use the method myself – and to this day I STILL use it to make tons of extra money!

(Heck, at this point my gigs are so popular, I’ve had to turn them OFF so that I don’t get overrun!)

So instead of banging your head against the wall to find all these gems, you can get them in a package

P.P.S.  I can’t explain how fun it is to wake up to a full Fiverr inbox, knowing that half those people are going to be giving me more money! Read more…