Scott Blanchard’s ClickBump Engine – Scott Blanchard’s ClickBump Engine

Scott Blanchard’s ClickBump Engine – Scott Blanchard’s ClickBump Engine

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You’re are about to get your hands on the most powerful site publishing system available anywhere and I’ve just updated it with full support for point and click Silo/Category Management.

It’s called ClickBump 5 and I’ve just released the latest version to my member’s dashboard.

How would you like to use the power of the leading “SEO Optimized” WordPress based publishing system to run all your web sites?

A system that allows you to build the kind of sites the Guru’s and SEO Experts drool over. With features that enable point and click creation of features that would otherwise take weeks or even months of development time to create. And you get it all for less than the cost of an hour’s work if you were to contract a developer to build it.

If your answer to that question is yes, but you were thinking it would be too hard to learn WordPress, much less figure out all you need to know to build and launch Adsense, Review and Affiliate sites, read on….

I’ve just released a system that puts the power of WordPress into the hands of non technical users.

If you’re the kind of person who needs to see social proof (and who doesn’t), scroll down to the testimonials included below, or click here to view a whole page of unsolicited testimonial emails I’ve received from customers who’ve purchased this system since I first launched it inside the Xfactor forums in September 2009.

The feedback I’ve received since then has been overwhelmingly gratifying that it works as well for others as it works for me.

The package comes complete with some very unique and field tested new features added to an already widely respected publishing platform, making it the fastest loading niche site publishing system available today.

And with Google’s new Caffeine search algorithm, site speed is more important than ever before.

And its all done via an Innovative and New kind of WordPress Template that requires ZERO plugins to operate.

I like things to be as simple and straightforward as possible. Steve Krug’s “Don’t Make Me Think” is the mantra I carry when it comes to developing solutions for myself and for others.

With this one theme, I’ve hit on a unique and powerful infrastructure that allows me to install an unlimited number of “templates” or designs into the core engine just as soon as I get them designed.

All templates feature Adsense blocks and affiliate product shots above the content that can be turned on/off at will (ads are not shown in screenshots for simplicity). There is no tweaking of the WordPress code to make these work, you dont even have to know anything about php or html. All 12 templates are installed with one Theme and you can switch to any one of them, or any of dozens of additional premium themes you’ve purchased, on the fly with one click.

With the availability of dozens of cutting edge, fast loading, seo optimized designs from the world’s top designers, ClickBump Engine is the only theme system you’ll ever need. Every template is built with 100% hand crafted, fast loading CSS. You can integrate new templates right into your installation at the click of a button. There are dozens of premium templates available now and more coming each month.

The beauty is that anyone who can design css based templates can add to this base of templates. Its virtually limitless in terms of the flexibility it affords the site owner to simply plop in a new template with a few files.

By the way, the page you are reading is running in ClickBump Engine’s newest available add-on template, Instant SalesPage. This template and many other premium add-on templates from the Web’s top designers can be plugged right into the main theme with a single click upload installer.

These premium templates and dozens more are available for one click activation from the ClickBump Member’s dashboard for under $10 each. Shown from left to right: “Adsensed”, “XFactored 2.0″ and “Amazonia”.

I swear, I had a designer lined up for $400 – $500 to make a thesis theme look like this. Fortunately he stalled so long to get started, I found you & your theme came out quick. You saved me a bundle & I have no doubt the “custom” theme would not do what yours does!

Once you purchase with instant download, you will have access to the full ClickBump Engine Site Publishing System. It’s much more than just a WordPress theme, it’s the only theme you will ever need for everything from Product Review and Affiliate Sites to Sophisticated Sales Letters and Squeeze Pages.

But I’ve made it so that you get all of this with no extra work or trips to a plug-in interface or meddling with complex settings. Everything is right there where you need it on the post editor. You simply create the page or post as normal and the SEO stuff is automatically created as part of the page building process you are already doing.

Automated “Social Sharing” icons added to each post as an option – CE4 automatically inserts w3c validated code for sharing icons below each post and/or page. Use any combination of Google +1, Facebook “Like” and Twitter “Tweet” below each of your posts. You can turn this on or off globally or post by post.

Widget Visibility Show/Hide – The ability to specify, for each individual widget, where it appears (Home, posts, pages, categories, tags, search, 404, etc)

Custom Post Title and H1 heading – You can specify a custom post title and/or h1 heading for each of your posts

Excerpts on posts AND pages – You can add an excerpt to a “page”. By default WP only allows you to add excerpts to “posts”.

Automated Meta Data managment – CE4 automatically creates… Read more…