Directory Submitter Software For One-way Backlinks

Directory Submitter Software For One-way Backlinks

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“The LazyMarketer’s Way to Getting Over 1,200One-Way Backlinks…Using Just One SimpleMethod!”

Skeeterand I have hundredsof emerging technology websites which could use more backlinks andsearch engine juice. Well done!

I justwatched the included helpfulvideos, which madethe set-up on my computer abreeze! The rotation capability that hasbeen integrated into the subjectand description fields is brilliant!

Again, wecan’t thank you enough for this effectiveand efficient promotional tool ‘” it will get used daily! Ted and Skeeter

Weallknowthat in order to rank high in the search engines, we need backlinks(refers to links from other sites pointing back to your own sites).

Throughouttheyears, submitting to freedirectories has been oneof the easiest ways to generate a ton of one-way inboundlinks to our sites. BUT it can be a verydaunting task if done manually.

Soifyou’relooking for a solution to solve this HUGE problem that most marketersface, you’re in for a realtreat!

Withaconstantly growing list of 1500website directories,you’ll easily increaseyour SE rankings within days!

Automaticallyrotate multiple titles,descriptions and keywords to makesure your links seem natural and be able to rankformultiple keywords.

Loadsup to 10 browsers at the sametime to speed upyour submission process. (and saves youmuch valuable time!)

Savesyourprevious work and records thesites that you havesubmitted to keep your work tidy foreasy references.

Sortlist according to Pagerank,Alexa rankings, alphabeticalorder, etc., based on your ownpreferences andmarketing strategies.

Add,edit and delete anything inthe directory list. (Soyou can putyourself in total control ofwhich sites you want your link to appear in!)

Unlimiteduser and site profiles. Whyrestrict the submission to onlyone of your site? Submitas many as you wishwith no further cost ‘” all FREE of charge!

Easy& user friendly. UsingIDP is quick and very easy.You’ll have your sites submitted in no time with just a few clicks ofthe mouse!

It’s 2times cheaperthan any other competitors on themarket. (so you can spend your hard-earned money on other necessities!)

So,nowthatyou know what Instant Directory Profits can do for you, you’re probablymost interested in wanting to know what it will cost you to own thisawesome piece of software.

Before we reveal the price, here are some facts you need to know: First up, understand that there are only a couple of other similartools out on the market today… and one of them sells for$147! That may seem a tad overpriced but when you weigh it against thepotential benefits, you’ll realize it can help tremendously in yoursearch engine rankings and increase the amount of your salesexponentially. Hence, it literally pays for itself…Possibly in just a few days time! Furthermore, ‘Instant Directory Profits’ was designed with the end userin mind… We’ve made it ultra simple for you and all you need to do isto follow some step-by-step instructions and you’re able to startsubmitting your sites to over 1500 directories and gain a ton of quality backlinks in no time. Put it simply, this is a complete no-brainer!

Here’sthe deal: Now we certainly do not intend to charge you $147. Yes, the returns itcan bring for you by using Instant Directory Profits could quite easilypay for your investment in just a few days time.

Butweknowfor a fact that by charging such a steep price, it might effectivelyshut out many marketers who should be taking full advantage of such afantastic tool but simply can’t afford it at this point oftime. You see, we’ve been well-known for over-delivering on the software wecreate and making it really affordable for the masses. Our pastcustomers have all testified to that and we certainly want to keep itthis way. So we have decided to make this technology easily accessible for justabout any struggling marketer and set the price at just a low one timefee of…

Soagain, $27 isall it will take to own your own copy of ‘New Instant DirectoryProfits’and

Keywordresearch is the mostvital aspect of any website you plan to create. Target the rightkeywords, and you’ll making autopilot income for years to come. Getthem wrong, and you’re doomed right from the start!

Keywordresearch toolscan cost you up to $297 and yet they give you nothing but the same oldjunk keywords everyone else already knows about. Forget those unlessyou consider wasting money a form of “mental therapy”..

Our”Keyword Warrior” tool does thesame thing as 90% of keyword research software out there, plus more!

Analyzethe demand and supply of any nichemarket and saves you time required for the necessary research.

Display numberof competing pagesfor any keyword in Google, Yahoo & MSN search engines.

Ifyou have an type of blog,then you probably know by now that leaving comments (and your link) onother blogs is a sure-fire way of getting tons of traffic.

Theproblem is trying to figure outexactly which blogs are worth your time. Generally speaking, only 20%of the blogs youregularly comment oncontribute to more than 80% of yourtraffic..

Savesyou timeand effort from searching for blogs manually to leave comments on andbuilding backlinks

Tellsyou if you haveleft a comment previouslyon the blog so you can track yourlink building efforts with much ease.

Stopflaunting your “newbie”status if you’re trying to make money from promoting affiliate products- cover up your affiliate links!

AffiliateWarrior is a greattool you can use to create “cloaked”pagesthat hide the actual URL of the website, which loading and embeddingyour affiliate cookie in the background!

Protectyour affiliate linksand keep your hard earned commissions frombeing stolenfrom the nasty affiliate thieves

Redirectyour cloakedlinks to any site of yourchoice so that others won’t evennotice it’s an affiliate link ‘” and you’ll still be creditedforyour commissions!

Bypassmerchants’squeeze pages and send yourprospects directly to their salespages or even your order page, which eliminates a step and increasesyour chances of making a sale

Havethe luxury of linking toeven your own sale pages that you’ve created or other marketingmaterials in the event that your merchants’ sales pages are of inferiorquality

Youcan create either a simplecloak or an advanced cloak- skyrocket your affiliatecommissions and elevate yourself to super affiliates status!

Manthis is a great… Read more…