Social Academy Coaching
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Her videos are perfect, her blogs get shared everywhere, and she lands all the campaigns that you would DIE for.
The good news is that we actually have a program that can put you in that space ‘” making more money, growing your social media presence, and FINALLY having some freedom in your life.
Three years ago, we were broke, trying to make a name for ourselves in the online fitness world, and working around the clock on building our social media platforms… we were desperate to find the right audience for our unique messages.
But we had no idea how to get seen or heard. There were just too many of “us’� out there.
We got started at the same times as a lot of our friends, so there was a lot of collaborating, support, and even some commiserating going on. It was awesome.
Then something weird happened. We were having some success using all those tried-and-true old-school methods ‘” our numbers were growing steadily and we were making a few bucks. We thought we knew it all.
But then there were a couple of our friends ‘” the same girls we started out with ‘” who seemed to become wildly successful overnight. WTF!?
We were working our asses off, and we couldn’t even touch their numbers. And to top it off, they were getting all the deals and glamorous brand campaigns that WE wanted.
Bex ‘” founder of and the Blissed In™ wellness movement ‘” just wrapped shooting the first three seasons of her show Got Zen? for the Veria Living television network. She has over 100,000 YouTube subscribers, 18 million video views, and she regularly lands 4- and 5-figure blog campaigns for major international brands. She is called on regularly to make TV appearances, recently teaching yoga to Dr. Oz’s wife, Lisa on The Lisa Oz Show.
Danny J has grown her Facebook from 0 well over 300,000 “likes’� with NO ADS! (And no, she doesn’t buy fans like some people we know…) She is the head-betty-in-charge at, home of one of the largest and most badass fitness and lifestyle communities on the internet. Danny has taken her tremendous success as a fitness model, competitor, and trainer and transformed it into a thriving online business that inspires countless women to take charge of their lives.
No matter where we are ‘” at any moment ‘” we’re making money. We’re no longer looking for brands to work with us ‘” they’re knocking down our doors. And the best part… we get to say “no’� more than “yes’� lately. We pick and choose and only work with the best.
So what does work look like most days? Taking fitness classes with celebrity trainers, traveling all over the country, hosting workshops and attending exclusive events, and best of all… some days just sitting in our pajamas all day long, catching up on the Real Housewives while taking care of business from our phones.
You see, we did some research (and a little spying), and we found out that what those big, successful, crazy-popular bloggers and YouTubers were doing is actually pretty simple.
Finding that out actually got us a little annoyed at first. We had wasted so much time staying small and making almost no money! But then we got motivated… just like Bex says, “We turned our envy into inspiration.’�
We were both getting emails ‘” hundreds from our followers ‘” asking about our businesses. All these women wanted to know how we were able to grow our following so quickly and make money online.
“How did you get that campaign?’� “How do you get seen by a brand?’� “How do I get money for what other bloggers are doing for FREE?’�
Social Academy™ is a program like no other ‘” a four-week, intense online immersion course where you will be able to access EVERYTHING we know.
And how do we stand out from the rest of all those social media coaches? Not only have we successfully built substantial audiences through our social platforms, we’ve also established ourselves as respected personalities and celebrities within our genres.
We’re not just teaching you how to build numbers ‘” we’re showing you how to get lifelong fans.
You can watch all the webinars from the Spring 2014 semester including 7 Bonus videos with experts in social and traditional media, publishing, and marketing and an exclusive Workflow Tutorial Video by Bex.
And because we’d still love to have you as part of our next Honor Society semester, we’ll offer you a full refund on the Freshman 4-Pack when you enroll and complete a full semester of Social Academy.
This is our elite-level coaching service held separately from Social Academy™ where you’ll get one-on-one Skype sessions with Danny J or Bex. Your brand deserves special attention and we’re going to help you BLOW IT UP!
We only work with the most serious applicants ‘” women who are ready to take strong action TODAY to elevate their statuses from amateur to polished professional.
Don’t waste another second waiting for the dream to happen… WE’RE READY TO TAKE YOU THERE!!
The time is now, ladies. We see so many bloggers, YouTubers, and online personalities out there who aren’t making it because they just don’t know how to make what they already have work for them. You are here for a reason! You need to know how to make a living SHARING who YOU ARE ‘” with your story, in your voice, rocking your style.
We have learned from the BEST! Marie Forleo ‘” Ali Brown ‘” Derek Halpern ‘” …just to name a few.
We’ve sorted through all the bullsh*t and we’re offering you the best of what we… Read more…