Frontpage – Branding Profit

Frontpage – Branding Profit

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If you said yes, then read on and that way I can help you do that right now, because when you know how…

But before I tell you how, I want you to know, this is not some get rich quick scheme, a piece of software you use, an automated system with on-going costs, and it’s definitely not something that will work today but soon be useless because the loop hole is closed or too many people are using it for it to be effective.

It’s also not something that will cost you a fortune to do either, in fact it can be done 100% free.

Imagine what would happen for you if, in a short period of time, you were widely accepted, as was the case for me in my chosen field in marketing, these are just a couple of thank you messages I received:

“The tools really are cool.  … Such fun working on this-thank you!  Your contributions have proven invaluable!” – Elizabeth Stroud: Innovations in Magazine Media 2012 World Report

“This is really, really interesting. Not least because for once I can start to measure the impact press coverage may have!!!” – Ann-Marie Thomson: Head of Media for Syco

…as a “go to” person, product, service, company or retailer in your market no matter what that is or where you are based? I realise that you probably look up to those who are in that privileged position in your market, hearing all about how much they can charge and how quickly they make vast sums of money, even some who sell $1,000,000s of products and services in just a few days, and I’m positive you would love to join them up there – am I right?

You dream of having that lifestyle, making lots of money while having fun, doing what you love and ultimately removing the stress, strain and problems you have today and replacing them with something new, better and much more inspirational.

Well stop watching what other people are doing and listening to their success stories because you too can be in that position, whether you want to be a super affiliate, an online guru, an incredibly successful retailer, the producer of loved products, the provider of valued services or anything else.

See here’s the thing, you know who these leaders are in your market and that’s because they have one thing that I’m guessing you don’t…

No. This type of branding is based on a managed market position that leads to predictable profits and a market hungry for what you offer, as many “gurus” and “personalities” in your market know but are not necessarily telling you, because that’s not what makes them the money – selling you products, services and systems does.

It’s much easier, faster and cheaper to reach that enviable position than you’ve ever imagined, I should know because that’s what I did in my chosen market and in fact even had other markets and even marketing experts and online gurus asking me for my secrets and advice too, just look at this as very public example:

Hi, my name’s Adrian Fleming and for over 20 years I have been helping people just like you, do just those things and more, profiting while they do it too.

I also help those looking to sell with higher profit margins or who want to do the same level of business, just with less effort and cost. So if those things sound good too then let’s get started.

To get things rolling, here’s a secret that most people who make money form selling you products, services and even software to build your brand and promote what you do would rather you didn’t know – it doesn’t matter what media outlets and methods you use, if you do it right. And to do it right you just need to follow a proven formula.

So if you are doing any type or combination of traditional or digital marketing, advertising, PR even social media and you are not getting the results you want, it almost certainly doesn’t have anything to do with what you are using and how much you are spending in time money or effort, it’s because your brand is not “connecting” with the market and believe me this is easy to fix.

People mistakenly believe that results are based on traffic volumes, email list sizes, marketing and advertising budgets, conversion rates, sales funnels, hard work and all sorts of things like that, but the reality is these are very small elements that can be “tweaked”, but the big results come from the right branding; profitable branding.

Step one of the solution is understanding what branding really means, not just what a dictionary say it means, and why you need it because until you do you will be fighting for every single sale, just like 99% or more of the others in your market, but this leads us in to…

Step two, presenting what you do and how you do it in the way people want, in the place they want, at the moment they want too, because this gets you massive results instantly.

Step three is about only using the things that will make you stand out, and the easy way to do this is to help others get what they need, not sell yourself.

Step four is creating your material, ready for any type of media channel you want, in a way that will connect with your market and show your audience what they can achieve, explaining how they can get there too if that take action.

And finally, step five is just making it easy for people to take that action, with little or no risk, moving them form where they are now towards where they want to be.

In this training I will walk you though, with easy to follow and adapt examples, each… Read more…