Linkedin Marketing Business Blueprint
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Dear fellow internet marketer… do you realize you’re probably missing out on the greatest social networking bonanza taking place RIGHT NOW right here?
But don’t beat yourself up, because hardly anyone in the internet marketing world knows about this, either all of which means BIG BUCKS for you here’s why…
… because you can tap into this treasure trove, starting today, and be lying on some tropical beach, sipping an ice-cold Margarita (with the cash safely in the bank), before your competitors even know what’s hit them!
You can suck in traffic like a Shop Vac on steroids this site is invariably in the top five traffic driving sites.
You can make more sales and profits this site has the largest per capital disposable income of any social networking site.
You can highlight your personal brand so respected is this site that your profile can likely feature high in the first page of Google’s search results!
You can forget Fiverr if you’re looking to freelance because this site has the power to endow you with as many gigs as you want… and all for top pay!
You keep control of your precious database because you can export your database from this site… something neither Facebook nor Twitter allow.
You can become the ‘go to’ guy or gal in your niche because this is a serious site for serious people.
You can forge priceless contacts that translate into money in the bank make easy connections with the thousands of media professionals, and PR folk who inhabit this site.
And it’s a mistake you can PROFIT from, because you can run circles around your competitors, whose jaws will drop right to the floor as you glide by in your new limo paid for by your LinkedIn profits!
I’m not saying you should forgo Facebook in preference to LinkedIn. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Using both Facebook AND LinkedIn (and Twitter, too) is not only the very best way to explode your sales, profits and happiness it’s also a valuable insurance for your business.
One of the iron rules on business and investing is never to have all your eggs in one basket. So having multiple sources of traffic and income is the shrewd way forward, because you are targeting different types of people yet all with the same interest in your niche for the maximum possible interest and sales.
But, if one or more of these networks suddenly change their business plan meaning you lose out it won’t be the deadly blow to business that less shrewd business owners will suffer.
And another rule of smart business is that a smaller group of better targeted folks always beats a larger group of less well targeted prospects.
So, despite LinkedIn being a relative minnow, with ‘only’ around 100 million members, compared with Facebook’s billions, the far higher net worth of LinkedIn members ‘” as well as their far tighter focus on increasing their wealth ‘” makes it a GOLDMINE for you.
Linkedin Marketing Business Blueprint is crammed with must-have secrets every internet marketer intending to play with the big boys needs to succeed. What’s more you’ll experience the warm glow that comes from knowing you are one of the elite 5% who really know how to profit big time from LinkedIn.
This cutting edge manual will help you zoom straight to LinkedIn gold, lightening fast, by handing you a complete A Z guide, carefully designed in a ‘paint by numbers’ style for fast, easy action.
Get ready for the scales to fall from your eyes. Because, this manual is divided into 15 straight to the point modules, each a wealth of little known secrets you can take to the bank.
So, whether you’re a rookie just starting to make money on line or a seasoned player wanting to increase your on line wealth, then this exciting, brand new program is for you.
This section gives you a quick overview of why you need to be on this site even if you aren’t looking for another job.
Is LinkedIn marketing for you? Probably, and this section will quickly get you up to speed with the very best way for you to take full advantage of this amazing network.
If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail is a cliche, but no less wise for that. So here are the three steps to take to make sure your LinkedIn presence is firmly based on a solid foundation.
This is where the rubber hits the road, because your profile is central to your entire persona on LinkedIn.
So you’ll be delighted to be privy to this vital intel that reveals these little known secrets that makes entering the market and setting out your stall a mile of difference between LinkedIn failure and LinkedIn rip-roaring success!
It’s a fact: your reputation depends on the number of contacts shown on your page. So this module is devoted to getting you the maximum contacts in the shortest time.
Joining groups is one of the smartest moves you can make, because a LinkedIn group is effectively ‘” a super-targeted list of prospects for what you have to sell.
What’s more, it’s a super-simple way to make even more connections and contacts, because you’ll be a bigger fish in a smaller pond. So here are some streetwise ways to exploit LinkedIn Groups…
Building relationships is the cornerstone of all successful marketing and the interactive nature of the question and answer facility of LinkedIn allows you to do this on steroids.
What’s more, it also provides countless valuable opportunities to demonstrate your knowledge of your subject in a way many others will notice and want to come to your profile and hook up.
You now have a powerful marketing machine at your command, so it’s time to focus like a laser on what you want to do with… Read more…