Ultimate Clearing Meditation ‘” ClickBank Sale
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“This amazing breakthrough full-length revolutionary audio uses a powerful new combination of a subliminal hypnotic induction AND beautiful original music (created with a really cool ancient musical instrument) AND brand-new subliminal clearing commands ALL designed to begin to clear your unconscious blocks of anything and everything in the way of your attracting what you really want ‘” and this incredible one-hour audio does it without any effort at all on your part!’�
Remember seeing a movie or going to a restaurant you were so excited about you couldn’t wait to tell others?
In short, Pat O’Bryan and I just created the most powerful, unique and longest clearing audio of our entire careers!
As you may know, our clearing audios are bestsellers. They are designed to address the hidden issues in your unconscious mind ‘” those “behind the curtain’� blocks stopping you from attracting or achieving what you want.
We’ve created a series of these ‘” such as the legendary bestseller The Clearing Audio ‘” and they all work wonders.
But we kept asking if we could make something even better ‘” something faster, stronger, deeper, even more powerful.
And that’s when I was inspired to create something we now call “The Ultimate Clearing Meditation.’�
What makes this amazing new audio vastly different and so much more powerful in getting real-world results than anything else ever done is the following ‘”
We will never share, sell or rent your email address. Sign up for the eLetter in confidence. You will not be directed away from this page.
And as with the others in our series, you will get three tracks'”but this time each track is an hour long ‘”
My advice is to listen to the first track combination ‘” beautiful music and subliminal voice combined ‘” before you drift to sleep.
This way you are reaching your unconscious mind direct, speaking to it after it relaxes with the induction, and then allowing the clearing to work during your sleep.
When you awaken you’ll be refreshed, relaxed, energized, and ready for your day ‘” with new power and focus.
There’s nothing else to say except try this for yourself. The investment is tiny but the return could be abundantly miraculous.
But for less than the cost of a nice dinner and movie out for two these days, you can begin to transform your life ‘” at home ‘” while you rest.
Think of it ‘” 3 full one-hour-long audios with beautiful new music, powerful new affirmations, and a hypnotic induction for your unconscious to hear ‘” and it’s entirely guaranteed.
PS'”In all honesty, I believe the hypnotic induction and the commands on The Ultimate Clearing Meditation are the best I’ve ever recorded ‘” and I’ve recorded numerous ones over the decades. I’m not sure what else to say to get you to try this for yourself. The product is a true breakthrough. It’s created by two people with a track record for success. It’s guaranteed. What more do you want? I say try it and see how you feel. Wouldn’t that be the smartest move at this point? Otherwise, you’ll never know. Go ahead and order right now.
(1) Disclaimer Regarding Expectations of Results ‘” Please be advised that due to the nature of the products which Hypnotic Marketing Inc. (“HMI’�) and Joe Vitale are selling, there is no possibility of substantiating any claimed results made or supplying any objective evidence, whether financial, business related, spiritual or otherwise. It can be assumed that no results are to be expected as a result of one’s purchase of these products. HMI and/or Dr. Vitale do not and cannot make any representations, promises or guarantees of the effectiveness of his products. That being said, HMI, Dr. Vitale and his associates, partners and affiliates firmly believe in the effectiveness of hard work and the power of positive thought and that, more than anything, is what he is selling and teaching. Joe believes, that if you believe, anything can happen.
(2) Disclosure Regarding Endorsements and Testimonials ‘” Some of the people quoted throughout the website, whether consumers, celebrities, experts or otherwise, have benefited in some way in return for their testimonial or endorsement of the product. Many of the endorsements are simply unsolicited emails, calls or blogs from contented customers but other endorsers have received free products, financial benefits, promotions of their products by Hypnotic Marketing Inc. and/or Joe Vitale in return for their endorsement or other benefit in return for their statements. Often testimonials and endorsements are posted by a seller of a product and afterward there is no further contact between the endorser and the seller and no way for the seller to follow up with the endorser; therefore, it is possible that some of the endorsers no longer have the same opinion which they expressed previously. HMI and Dr. Vitale are taking actions to limit this possibility and they shall, upon notice of any changes, immediately reflect any such changes in their marketing materials.
(3) Disclosure Regarding Affiliates and Bloggers ‘” Please note that there are many people out there endorsing and blogging about HMI and Joe Vitale’s products. Many, if not all, of these people may be compensated in some way or may benefit from their relationship to HMI and/or Joe and his products. Any claims made by these affiliates which are not likewise made in the materials on mrfire.com or other websites accessible from mrfire.com or controlled by Hypnotic marketing or Dr. Vitale cannot necessarily be relied upon and are unauthorized by HMI and Joe Vitale. HMI and Dr. Vitale and the sites through which affiliates sell their products require that such parties are familiar with the FTC requirements and such parties also acknowledge that they are not authorized to make any claims or representations which are not authorized by HMI or Dr. Vitale… Read more…