Salon Email Marketing – Successful Email Strategies to Explode Your Salon Profits

Salon Email Marketing ‘” Successful Email Strategies to Explode Your Salon Profits

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If YOU have a Salon or Spa Website, Then I’m Going To Reveal To YOU Successful, Proven ONLINE Methods To Explode Your Salon or Spa Profits, Build Your Opt In Lists and Automate Your Selling Process

In this tough economic climate there are a very small number of Salons & Spas who are secretly making massive profits using stealth online email marketing strategies… while their competition is being left for dead working harder and longer making less money and wondering what their doing wrong!

Is your Hair Salon, Beauty Salon of Day Spa one of the clever few making these massive profits? Those who are implementing recession busting online marketing strategies to make even more profits…

Well keep reading! You are about to discover every single step you need to take to effectively adapt your Salon or Spa to marketing online with email and autoresponders.

The great news is you’ll be spoon fed tips you must know, strategies you must use, secret methods you must apply and lethal mistakes you must avoid.

I suggest you refrain from sending another email… even just one, until you dig deep into this valuable information… because it will make or break you!

But that doesn’t mean you have to generate seven times more traffic to your salon or spa website, or submit your website to seven times the amount of online directories… it simply means you have to follow up your prospects at seven more intervals for them to finally “tune in” and buy from you.

Everyone knows this of course ‘” and if you didn’t, learn it quickly. That fact alone may give you an insight into why your current marketing isn’t working…

…And That’s One Of The Reasons That Drove You Here In The First Place, Out Of Desperation For More Time, More Money, And More Success!

Now remember I said you need to follow up on your prospects, well that also doesn’t mean chasing them down, ringing them up every night for a week, or posting them letters that get dumped anyway… well, not anymore.

Amazingly and “magically” you can now automate the whole process making your marketing loads more effective, and heaps more efficient.

Don’t even think that you’ll be able to continue all your salon or spa marketing manually. You know… send this letter to that client, if they don’t respond send them a different letter… all painstakingly done by the hands of your staff… or even worse… done by you, the Salon or Spa Owner!

OK, that may be the cheapest way to do it, and in these tough economic times, possibly your only option. But you need to understand something… Thinking like that is…

Probably One Of The Main Reasons You Are Suffering From LOUSY Conversion Rates… Getting Your Website Visitor to Being A Client of your Salon or Spa!

Look, I don’t mean that as judgmental. I’ve been there before, but harnessing the power of online autoresponders meant I was automating the persuasion to buy process… building a mega mailing list at the same time… AND not having to do a thing once I had setup the system.

Listen and think about this for just a second. You’re a Salon / Spa Owner, so focus on one thing and leave the email marketing to a useful automated tool.

You’re probably new to this whole thing, and that’s why I am going to teach you the ins and outs of everything you will ever need to know to take advantage and profit with email marketing in your Salon.

There is nothing better to instantly get your clients to start spending more money on your services than email marketing. In “Email Marketing for Salons and Spas”, David has described step-by-step, strategies that I use in my Day Spa to increase our Spa profits. You can’t afford not to have this resource! In fact, I got at least 3 ideas that I can start using to improve what I do!

…And Much, Much More, Laser Targeted in Detail And Depth, Including A Few Little Surprises That Will Completely Shock And Amaze You When You Open Up Your Own Copy Of Email Marketing for Salons & Spas…

You see, I was pretty shocked when I was doing some research… to discover that most salons & spas stay clear of email marketing because they think their messages will just land in their clients and prospects spam filter box along with a hundred other “un-wanted” emails.

That is partly true, but there is a way to bypass that problem. A few secrets to add to your knowledge that will ensure more of your messages are being read, while your competitors are being dumped in the trash can.

I strongly believe in this information so much (I’ve used and tested it) that I would go as far as saying every time your prospects receives an email from you… he or she will stumble from their chair as if the clouds have parted and “God is talking to them.”

I’m sure you are aware that just that one tactic alone… just that ONE tactic will increase your profits dramatically.

Just think… if three times the amount of people read your email, then you’ll receive three times more sales.

But that’s just scratching the surface, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. You will be totally blown away when you instantly download your copy and dig into it.

It covers everything from creating and writing your own profit pulling emails… and building your autoresponders opt-in list and driving hoards of traffic to it!

I wasn’t kidding when I said I’ll teach you absolutely everything you need to know to make more profits, this year with Email Marketing, in this e-Book it’s all covered in detail!

If you are smart (which you are) then by now you are beginning to understand why you need this information so badly in order to succeed in these tough economic times, and kick your competitors butt so hard you’ll be… Read more…