126 Rebrandable Books
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No One Has Ever Released Such A Massive *Rebrandable* Package…EVER! And that too, with MRR!
This package contains 126 Never-Before-Released ebooks across *17 HOT Niches!*, And each of these books can be rebranded with YOUR Clickbank Affiliate ID!
If you grab the entire package, you will get more than 600 Links that you can brand! Now how’s that for value? These 600+ links would be like virtual salesmen, working for you day-and-night giving you viral profits.
Brand Your Website/Blog URL In the beginning and end of each book, there is a link Click Here To Visit Our Website. You can brand this link with YOUR Website/Blog URL!. You now have a way to increase traffic to your sites!
Promote This Package Of 126 Books Twice in each book (beginning and end), there is a link that promotes this very package. You can brand this link with YOUR Affiliate ID You get a 50% Commission on any sale made! You can earn upto $35 per sale, depending on which package your buyer purchases.
The initial version of this package only had giveaway rights. But many of you wanted to sell this package too. You spoke, I listened! I am now offering Master Resale Rights to the package. That means, you can purchase this package, brand the links and sell it at any price you feel proper! You can sell the books individually or as a package.You can even give the branded books for free! Those who get the package from you can either sell it, or give it away for free too! However, there is one restriction….
Restriction : Important! You HAVE to brand the books first before giving/selling it. That means, only YOU have the branding rights. Those who get the package from you can only sell it or give it away…but they CANNOT brand it. That means, your customers will be distributing books containing YOUR LINKS! In other words, you are not allowed to pass on branding rights to your customers. If they want to brand the books, they have to come to this page.
Rebrandable books do not come cheap because they are meant to MAKE YOU MONEY! Just a few affiliate sales will cover your costs, and all subsequent sales are profit. That’s why most of these books sell for $27, $47 or even $97! I could have easily priced each of these rebrandable books at $27 (or maybe $47 for some). And people would be happily buying them day in and day out! However, I have not done that! I wanted to give my visitors a deal that they simply could not refuse! I know some people will call me crazy for doing this. I know some of my Internet Marketing friends will think I have lost it all. But I really don’t care. I know how difficult it is for someone who is struggling. I have been there too. I want to do whatever I can to give you a fair chance to grab a part of the Internet pie…So get ready!
As if the individual books are not cheap enough, i have something better! If you purchase all the books in a particular niche, there is a special “package” price for that package. For example, if you want all the 11 books in the Health And Fitness category, you pay just $47 instead of $110 ( that is a saving of $63 or 57%!). In the same way, there are similar discounts on other niches as well. This is much better than purchasing individual books. But HEY, WAIT! I have something EVEN better…
Grab our *Mega Super Saver Offer*. and download the ENTIRE Rebrandable package of 126 books for just $77. That is only 61 Cents per book. (instead of the regular $9.97 per book!). This is simply the BEST OFFER you can ever get! And It is the best value for your money! And don’t forget : Everything comes with Master Resale Rights!
The difference between these books and other ebooks is this : Each of these books, when distributed, will MAKE YOU MONEY. They are not static ebooks that do not do anything. These are ACTIVE EBOOKS! Because even while you sleep, the affiliate links within these books will earn you money! I really, in all sincerity, do not know how can someone pass this up! Read more…