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“10 Sure-Fire Tips To Easily & Effectively Promote Your Website” is a printable document, a 5-page e-guide, in .pdf format, downloadable immediately after purchase. “10 Sure-Fire Tips…” is a comprehensive guide for you, the website owner, to effectively guide you in promoting your website, both offline & on, with emphasis on offline efforts. It is a simple step-by-step guide, complete with checklist, that you or your staff can easily implement, with little or no additional out-of-pocket expenses, beyond the cost of the e-guide itself. This handy little e-guide is well-suited for both online and brick-and-mortar business concerns. “10 Sure-Fire Tips…” is a basic, comprehensive list of steps you can take to promote your website, with measurable results.

This new e-guide, fresh to the market, was written by a seasoned 30-year business veteran, and small business web builder, who knows small business firsthand. She recommends these same easy steps to her own web clients, and she knows they work! That’s why she decided to write this guide'”to reach other small business web owners who may be facing the same questions as her clients.

“10 Sure-Fire Tips To Easily & Effectively Promote Your Website” packs a profitable punch for less than $1.00 a tip. For just $9.99 (plus tax where applicable), your business could easily profit hundreds, even thousands of dollars from implementing these 10 simple steps of website promotion. And a handy checklist template is even included to gauge and document your progress. After reading “10 Sure-Fire Tips…,” we’re sure you’ll agree, it’s a small investment with enormous potential for your business.

is an easy step-by-step guide to help you effectively and affordably promote your website, all by yourself. It even includes a checklist template to guide you along the way.

This e-guide is in .pdf format. You may need to download a reader to view, if not already installed on your computer. Click on button below to download an Adobe Reader that’s right for your system before proceeding,

“These 10 Tips are so frequently overlooked by business owners that it’s astonishing'”definitely a “Duh!” moment for many; and we wonder why we’re not getting more traffic to our site!

And the results??? You tell me… What’s even just one more sale, or one more client or customer worth to you??? And these 10 Sure-Fire Tips will most certainly deliver much more than that! Read more…