Professional Skin Retouching Video Tutorial – Craig Beckta Pro Tutorials

Professional Skin Retouching Video Tutorial – Craig Beckta Pro Tutorials

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Then whatever you do, don’t sit back and relax. Get on the edge of your seat and brace yourself.

It’s not working for you, because it’s not supposed to work! There are guys out there selling you plans designed to make you fail.

Throughout this page you will see screenshot after screenshot proving every word of what I claim. And some of these screenshots still amaze me. They show the awesome power of a system that works better each and every time it’s used.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. You don’t even know who I am yet. Bear with me as I take a brief moment to tell you where I came from… and how I got where I am now…

I worked mostly on a chopper called the CH-146 Griffon. It has many uses… primary among them are recon and surveillance.

When you have that kind of power in your hands, it changes the way you think. I instantly went from being carefree to being someone who sweated over every last detail.

It was that attention to detail that made me a great mechanic… and ultimately a great Photo Retoucher.

As hard as it is to believe… fine tuning a military recon helicopter is very much like fine tuning an Raw Image.

There are many little details that go into retouching successfully. If one of them is even slightly out of place… you can kiss your stunning image goodbye.

But… put everything in order… with purpose and precision… and watch that image fly into the clouds.

You see… when you overhaul any machine the first thing you do after ripping it down is inspect the individual parts.

Hundreds of hours of examination go into each job. I did that examination with the typical Photo Retouching techniques. I found what kicked a**… and what was a waste of time…

I kept the parts that worked, and threw away the junk… Then I even threw away the manual and started rebuilding.

And from the ground up I restructured that worthless plan into a brand new Pro Photo Retouching machine.

It was like I cracked a secret code. A code that opened the door to super-retoucher status, with no bias…

Here’s just a small Sample of what your Getting your Hands On… Once You Own The Secret Retouch Code!

Sit in your favorite chair and watch the High Quality 1080P Videos. As I reveal everything you Need to Know to Take Your Retouching to 2015 and Beyond…

I take You by the hand as You Discover Brand-New, Cutting-Edge Tactics to Streamline Your work flow and Create Stunning Images… Over 90 Minutes of Video Tutorials.

The Secret Retouch Code is the one Retouching system that puts it all together in easy to understand language so even a brand new person… a total newbie can understand it… follow it… and learn from it.

I know what’s real and what’s just hot air being blown up our pant legs. Because of that, I made The Secret Retouch Code the most comprehensive program of its kind.

No fluff or filler here. Just platinum level Retouching strategies that you’ll use to conquer any Image you choose.

This 9 Video 9o minute Plus Video tutorial series shows You Step-by-Step… Exactly How to post process a Beauty Portrait from Start to Finish.

How I Approach A 3/4 Length Image From Start To Finish… You Would Think it Would Be The Same As A Head Shot, But It’s Not…

You may think you know this stuff. But you don’t. The Secret Retouch Code is unlike other systems you’ve tried.

While the other guys are re-hashing old methods (some which go back to the 90’s!)… this course starts from today. It doesn’t bother with old-school ways of doing things.

Using this system, the brand-new, know-nothing beginner can go from ignorance to Pro in 1/10th the time it takes old-schoolers!

So grab a ticket and find a seat. The greatest opportunity you’ll come across this year is about to take off!

I’m not going to leave your success to chance! I said I’d guide you every step of the way and I wasn’t kidding!

I could see how you’d think so. But you’re wrong. I’ll tell you the price. But first let me tell you what it’s not going to cost.

With the Secret Retouch Code, gone are the days of scouring the Internet and YouTube for every new video tutorial, hoping it’s finally “the one” that’s going to fill in all the blanks…

The plan that took me nearly 3 months to put together… The content-packed 18 training videos… and the quick start guide.

Other Photographers would easily charge $147.00 for this system. As a matter of fact, one of the Photography gurus came out with a product just a short time ago. It had less videos… It even looked a little like mine. He charged a whopping $197.00!

I’m willing to let you have it all for just $47. That’s less than $50 bucks for the secrets to making your Photography business take off.

That’s a deal at twice the price, considering that I’m giving you an “out of the box” competition-crushing, Photo Retouching solution.

The 18 video tutorials are in a simple, direct, step-by-step format a 7 year old could follow. And don’t forget the quick start guide that shows you what to do immediately!

Throughout this page I have shown you proof of everything I claim. You will not find this level of proof in any competing system. And the reason I show overwhelming proof and they don’t is simple…

Including the Fast Action Bonus That’s Over 3 Hrs of Cutting-Edge Video Tutorials. In Full 1080P HD.

If after looking over… Read more…