Direct Response Marketing 2.0 – Hybrid Marketing

Direct Response Marketing 2.0 – Hybrid Marketing

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I won’t mince words with you – if you’ve tried the “Internet Marketing thing” and it hasn’t worked for you (or hasn’t worked as well as you had hoped), taking 5 short minutes to read this letter is literally going to rock your world.     Especially if you’re new to marketing!

I know you’ve heard it before, but just check out a taste of the evidence… (and before you finish reading this letter you’ll see even more real results just like this and some even better)…

Would you like to see monthly statements like this? You could with DRM 2.0! (And a little elbow grease…)

Now before we go on, I need you to know I’m not showing you this to boast or brag. I honestly don’t want to be like everyone else and show you HUGE numbers just to get you to buy something from me. I just want you to see what’s possible.

Because once you know what’s possible, and when you have a proven SYSTEM, there’s really nothing stopping you from achieving whatever you want!

And let’s be honest with each other: would you even believe this works if you DIDN’T see monthly statements like this one? Of course not, neither would I!

Look, maybe you think that kind of money is out of reach for you, and that’s fair. But what if you only did a fraction of this every month?

What a breath of fresh air! Finally something that’s not some sleazy magic pill, but a great take-you-by-the-hand course that is literally blowing me away. This IS cutting-edge! You definitely under-promised and over-delivered. I’m already working on a couple of these tactics RIGHT NOW. I will let you know how it goes!

I am on track to do over $10 million dollars in ONLINE sales this year… But the OFFLINE Lee and Alan are teaching me are going to triple it!

It’s about time a course like Direct Response Marketing 2.0 was made available. You guys nailed the content, there’s tricks in here I’ve NEVER heard. And that’s pretty rare. Why? Because even though most people consider me an “Internet Marketer” I use some of the very same offline techniques with awesome results. If you are not getting where you want to go with online only, I suggest you get DRM 2.0 now… before it’s too late to save your business

Direct Response Marketing 2.0 is a Godsend for people stuck in the Internet Marketing paradigm. It’s clear, step-by-step modules show you the fastest and easiest ways to get hyper-responsive OFFLINE buyers flooding your website.Sure, this seems like a crazy idea, but I’ve been using these tactics for years and made millions with them. I recommend you give Direct Response Marketing 2.0 a try. You will be shocked at your results when you put the information into action. And you certainly can’t find more savvy guys to teach you how.

Hey, Perry here. As you know I’ve sold over $50 Million of products online. But, after learning from Direct Response 2.0, I think my business next year in Offline Marketing is gonna dwarf what I do in Online Marketing. These guys really know what they’re talking about. Take a good, hard look at their training… there’s still a ton of people out there in the offline world. These are great guys, I stand behind them 100% and I love ’em.

I can’t believe you guys aren’t charging more for this! The ideas are shockingly simple and easy to implement. I would’ve paid $500 + just for the section on “Promoting Your Business For Free” let alone the rest. Thank you so much for making it so easy to learn, I’ll be using these ideas to make tons of cashola for me and my clients… in fact I started yesterday!

Look, competition online is getting stiffer by the day. Thousands of people looking to strike it rich are hitting the ‘net on a daily basis. It’s just getting plain hard to even compete!

Sadly, 99% of newbies probably don’t know about the challenges they’re going to be facing to make it work for them.

The good news, like we said in the beginning, is if they find this website, and this system, like you did, they will NEVER have to deal with those headaches and they can get started out on the right foot – just like YOU!

And that’s only the beginning. Once you shed the label of “Internet Marketer” and become a Direct Response Marketer, you’ll take the best of these unique online/offline techniques all the way to the bank.

It means you better be prepared to become a Jack of All Trades… HTML, Shopping cart integration, SEO, PPC, Blogging, Social Media, list building, affiliate marketing, copywriting, marketing, JV’s…

It’s frustrating just to figure out what to learn first! When it comes to making “quick and easy” cash online, it’s the exception and not the rule.

Look, we live in an age of specialization. That means if you have a few go-to skills, you can succeed wildly. It’s all a matter of WHAT skills you have in your bag of tricks.

But here’s the kicker. Once you stumble your way through getting a website up and working, getting your ad together, a list built and traffic coming in – the job isn’t over. Not by a long shot!

Remember when you said 72% of your customers don’t even know you exist? If you’re limiting yourself to only marketing online, you’r missing out on an enormous segment of your audience.

Your customers already buy online. Your customers already buy OFFLINE. They move seamlessly between both worlds. They’re… Read more…