Source Code Goldmine Retirement Sale
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Jeremy Burns started Source Code Gold Mine a few years ago creating packages of 10 brand new products every few months and then selling each package for $197. There have now been 14 of these great SCGM 10-product packages sold. If you had purchased each package individually at it’s $197 retail price you would have spent $2,758.00 on these 140 products.
This is the Source Code Blowout 1 & 2 and Source Code Gold Mine 1-12 Retirement Sale. And you can now devour on this HUGE SET!
You get all 140 Products from every Source Code sale ever launched and a great retirement sale price.
We are also removing all the past terms and restrictions the content came with. Now you can do anything you want with this content, and we do mean anything at all, as long as you never bundle more than 10 products together in one package, on one domain, or in one members area. (basically you can’t do one big sale like I am doing here)
Generate leads Create new products Build your blog Create videos Create new bundles… I could go on all day, you can do anything you want with this stuff.
With 65 eBooks in the package that come to about 1.3 million words of eBooks you could create a ton of new content or lead generators.
There is ton of great software and web scripts. All 140 products come with full reseller websites and sales letters so you can just add your order buttons and go ‘” but the real money is in simply using all of the content to create new products, or generate leads.
Jeremy spent an average of $1,200 to $1,500 to create each one of these 140 products. That averages out to a very real $210,000.00
The past Source Code Gold Mine sales have already made way more than Jeremy invested in creating these products. He sold right around $2 million dollars worth of Source Code Gold Mine packages.
At the cost of this retirement sale you can get a great deal on a ton of content you can use for years to come in any way you see fit.
Look if you only use one of the 140 products as a lead generator on Facebook, or a Twitter giveaway and you generate a total of 200 leads, then that would mean you spent less than $1.00 per opt-in lead.
If that’s all you did, then this package would be well worth it to you, but by now, you already know that you can do so much more!
This is an email lead generating MONSTER DEAL, or just use some of the content in your next product ‘” the possibilities are endless.
Keep in mind there is a TON of stuff on this download page, it took me days to organize all of the past download and link them up here. It is possible you may find a bad link to a download below, if you do please let me know and I will fix it asap.
P. S. Because of the low cost of this package, and the fact that some of the earlier created software products may be outdated, there is NO support on any of the included software. You understand some of the software products may be outdated and no longer work. You also understand that this package is a great deal for the 65 eBook products alone ringing in at over 1.3 million words of content and the 27 two-hour plus video products on their own. If you can not use this much content to generate some serious leads, or create some new products to sell as your own, and if you can not see the ROI of all the included content then this package may not be for you. Order today before this package is gone forever. Read more…