Perpetual Cash Machine – Make Money Online

Perpetual Cash Machine – Make Money Online

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IMPORTANT: You can replicate this business model to bring automatic perpetual cash for the rest of your life starting today!

The fact is: I made a 3 pages website in just 6 hours, …then got it set up with a pay processor so I could accept credit cards online, …and then just inside of 45 minutes, and with just $50 bucks, ran an ad with Facebook, …and the result…? I made $211.38 in my first day…

…and the BEST part is…? I hardly have any technical expertise… and now I’m willing to give away all my secrets to you that will allow you to do as well as I did, and possibly even much better! So are you ready to make it big online…?

It’s no longer HARD to start an Internet business and make it tremendously profitable. The fact is … “Now is the BEST time in history to profit online!” With all the past media attention on social medias like Youtube, Facebook, Linkedin, etc… You are no doubt well aware of the powerful shift that has taken place on the Internet …

If you’ve been paying attention, you already know that statistics from a recent Forrester Research Report have shown that online spending was $278 billion in 2014… and it’s projected to grow to $327 billion in 2016!

Five years ago, if you wanted a web site, you needed to either learn HTML (time-consuming) or hire a web designer to do it for you (expensive)… Now, however, there are tons of FREE and low-cost tools and resources available that allow you to build a professional-looking web site by yourself, without ANY knowledge of HTML! If you can “point & click” your way with WordPress, you can build a web site and put it up on the Internet – in less than 24hours!

For the first time in history, it’s EASY to know what products people are actively looking for… because there are FREE and low-cost research tools that compile all the figures and statistics for you! Plus, once you know exactly what people want, it’s EASY to find products to sell to them because there are online tools that will help you do that, too!

It’s shocking, but true. There are literally thousands of “neglected” traffic streams – groups of people LOOKING for web sites with particular products and information… But they can’t find what they’re looking for because nobody is talking to them! Using my secrets, reaching these targeted groups of potential customers is EASY… and I tell you how to do it for just pennies… often for FREE… using your choice of countless extremely powerful tools, resources, and web sites!

Are you interested? Then you had better read what I have to say next! Just look at the facts …

Since technology has advanced so far since 1996 when the Internet first became commercially available and popular… and since there is NOW so much “how-to” information and good software readily available, starting and growing an Internet business is easier than ever!

Finding the “best” information fast is nearly impossible these days, since there are literally 100’s of wanna-be marketing “experts” who are spreading myths and repeating one another… making it hard for you to know what works and what doesn’t! They are more interested in making a fast buck than actually helping you! For example, just yesterday I received a newsletter from one of these “experts” that said using the word “free” in the subject line of your e-mails would get you a bigger response! I was so mad when I read this!!! … Because I know from literally HUNDREDS of tests of my own that using the word “free” in your subject lines will get your e-mail message caught in spam “traps” and “filters”… so your subscribers will never even GET your e-mail! How can you know if the strategies you read about actually work… or if they are garbage?

The other big hurdle you face is that most marketing “experts” and highly successful business owners don’t WANT you to know their most profitable secrets… They’re scared you’ll steal their customers… that you’ll scoop up their market share… and that you’ll… Discover the lucrative business ideas and traffic streams they haven’t reached yet! So they’ll give you just a “taste” of what they know… Enough to make you think they’ve been generous, but not enough for you to actually accomplish anything. Quite frankly, this makes me crazy! If they’re truly “experts,” why would they need to hoard information? They should be on the cutting edge, always innovating new ideas and strategies that will make them even more money, anyway!

“Big deal,” right? But hold up. I want to tell you what happened next. It took me just 2 hours to write the copy in a Word.doc and then send it to a designer who I paid a $100 bucks to put it (with a few graphics) into webspace – just 3 more hours after that. I then did just 4 quick things:

… and that’s it. But here’s the good part: My website cost me just a few hours to make and only a few dollars to get hosting (don’t worry, I’ll explain just how easy this is to do), and I get charged a few cents (just 30¢ per click, in fact!) every time someone sees my ad at Google and clicks to my site. But before you quit reading, thinking this is hard, look how much money I make … About 3 people out of every 100 who click to my site from Facebook end up buying my product (it costs them $37 and I keep over $32 and my pay-processor keeps the rest for processing my orders automatically where I don’t have to do any work). This means I have to pay Facebook a pay-per-click fee for every 100 clicks, 30¢ each, or only $30. Yet I make back about $32 x 3 orders, or about $96 (and… Read more…