Wooden Lures Catch Bigger Fish! Learn Lure Making Today!
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Quality wooden lures are almost irresistible to large fish. The toughest and most educated fish will fearlessly smash a quality wooden lure out of instinct, hunger or sheer aggression. So imagine the fish you could catch if you had a box loaded with superb quality, hand made wooden lures!
Custom wooden lures play a vital role in keeping many tournament pros on the leader board. Yet most recreational lure fishermen never own a custom lure simply because they don’t realize the awesome advantages. Or they assume that these fish catching weapons are just too expensive!
At Make Wooden Lures we believe that stunning wooden lures and massive fish are not just for elite fishermen with tons of money. We bring the awesome fish catching power of hand made wooden lures to anyone who is serious about catching bigger fish, more often.
It doesn’t matter whether you are new to wooden lure fishing or have been using them for years. What you can learn from this website will transform your fishing and vastly improve your catches.
You’ll get to understand fish and fishing lures much better. You’ll learn how and when to fish different types of wooden lures. And best of all you’ll experience the raw fish pulling power that comes from owning a bunch of custom wooden lures.
I don’t make or use wooden lures out of nostalgia. I’m not against progress, technology or modern materials. I use them for one simple reason: right now there is no better way of catching quality fish!
If you’d like to know more about how wooden lures do all of this, you can get more information here. But these are just a few of the reasons that these lures will pull trophy fish out of places you previously thought to be fished out! Start exploring the pages on this website and you’ll find tons more!
There is no doubt that we live in an age of mass produced, low quality imported lures. But we don’t have to accept it…….. there is not only a place for hand crafted wooden lures, there is a growing need for them!
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