Elite SEO Backlinks – Elite SEO Backlinks
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Clients whose sites have plummeted from “acceptable” search engine rankings to not even being indexed any more…
…All because these “miracle software solutions” don’t deliver on their promises, in fact they do the reverse!
Let’s face it, we live in a “instant gratification world” where all of us want and expect our problems or issues to be fixed RIGHT NOW!
And the biggest problem that most website owners face is traffic, they just don’t have enough of it…
You need something more robust, you need to see exactly how the Professionals do it and then model from them.
For 4 years now I have been working full time as a SEO Professional and have helped over 1000 webpages achieve top 10 positions…
You’re probably wondering right now, like most of my clients do, why is search engine traffic so important?
Well let me answer that question for you, but before I do let’s look at the greater question of why traffic is important.
Simply put, you need a website, then you need to generate traffic and hopefully you will then create income.
With the advanced in technology over the last few years creating a website has become as easy as clicking just a few buttons.
When the internet first took off you needed a computer science degree mixed with a mathematics degree to simply create one page…
Over the last few years, Traffic has become the key to success for website owners with more and more business owners increasing their investment in traffic.
As you can see traffic is important to your businesses success, so now let’s focus on why Search Engine traffic is important.
…But it’s not the only reason you should be trying to drive search engine traffic to your site…
Think about it like this, if each day I could get 100 customers to walk into your shoe shop, who prior to walking in told me they wanted to buy new shoes…
Well search engines are not much different, if someone types into Google “buy white dress shoes” and then they see your website and visit then they are highly likely to buy.
….But the most important part to understand is that by getting search engine traffic you will generate more sales and more customers.
Now you know you need search engine traffic, it’s just a matter of working out how to rank in the top 10 results of search engines like Google…
Alright so let me recap, you need traffic, you need search engine traffic; without it you can’t make sales and can’t generate customers…
Well that’s the easy part…easy for me at least, and in just a few minutes I’ll make it easy for you!
To rank well on a search engine there are just two factors involved, the first being a well designed and optimized website and the second being LINKS.
…And it’s not just any kind of links, you need high page rank, authority links from web 2.0 sites.
A successful business owner like you knows that to be truly successful long term, that when you find something you don’t know, or aren’t good at then you need to locate an expert and outsource the task.
….When I started building links 4 years ago it would take days to just get 1 link, but now 4 years later I can build over 100 “Super Charged” links in just hours!
I want you to tap into my experience, to leverage my skill and use it to propel your business to the top of the search engines.
…Every single month I am going to send you a PDF, contained in that PDF are step-by-step screen shot instructions on how to instantly generate back links to your site.
You see, each month it’s a new 100 plus links, which means each month you are significantly building the reputation and ranking of your site.
The best part is, these links are automatic approval, which means you don’t have to wait for a web master to approve your link.
Now these are the exact links that I use and my clients pay me thousands of dollars a year to help them…
If any time in the next 60 days you feel like I haven’t delivered or are just unhappy for any reason then shoot me an email and I’ll happily give you a complete refund.
I’m not in this business to rip people off, I want to make you happy and to see your site powering to the top of the search engine rankings.
It’s important for you to know that all the links are do follow one way links from authority sites …
…Every single month I am sending you a step-by-step PDF manual with screen shots on how to build 100 plus one-way, authority, do follow, high page rank links…
…But that’s not all, I want to make sure you start experiencing REAL results REAL fast so I am also going to include a whole raft of tools and resources I use to propel my clients and my sites to the top of the rankings.
These are resources you won’t find anywhere else and I am giving them to you today as a GIFT from me…
…You’re probably wondering how much this is going to cost, well don’t worry as I’m not going to charge you $97 a month like my competitors.
My goal is to make this package affordable for everyone so you can secure your spot today for just $27.
Just so you’re aware, your order will be processed using our 256 bit secure server, the same kind of server amazon, ebay and it pro’s… Read more…