Free Advertising Academy – Get In Now For $27

Free Advertising Academy ‘” Get In Now For $27

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Make More Sales… Pocket Bigger Profits… And Grab More Customers ‘” Using My Confidential & 100% ‘Proven-To-Work’ Free Advertising Secrets!

“I’ll Even Give You a “Fast-Start Plan’� Today That You Can Use To Get Valuable Free Advertising In The NEXT 30 Minutes!’�

Over the last 22+ years, I’ve literally generated millions of dollars in sales… and built a huge customer list… using very powerful, but very easy-to-understand “Free Advertising” secrets.

If you want to know how to instantly increase your sales (and profits)… and grow a bigger list ‘” without spending another dime on marketing or advertising, then you’ll want to read every word of this letter.

You already know that the key to finding customers… making sales… building a list… banking profits ‘” and ultimately, making the money you want, to be able to live the lifestyle you want ‘” is Advertising & Marketing.

To survive and thrive in any business… small or large… you’ve absolutely got to advertise.

Pay-per-click ads. Magazine ads. Direct mail. Radio & TV commercials. Banner ads. CPA and CPM. Co-Registration. Inserts. Yellow Pages Ads.

If this is confusing… frustrating… or worrisome to you, you’re going to love what I’m about to share with you:

98% of people simply do NOT know how to get their fair share of the “Free Advertising” that’s available every month.

It’s advertising that appears in magazines, search engines, pay-per-click ads, TV, radio, and even in direct mail… but you pay absolutely nothing.

I’ve been very fortunate to be one of the few people to discover “free advertising’� ‘” and

I’ve used it to generate new business and profits for my company, every month, for the last 20 years.

My name is Jeff Gardner and I’m a marketing experts, author, and speaker who teaches others how to find and get free advertising.

You see, when I started my business over 22 years ago, I had a “wimpy” advertising budget. Only $300. And that disappeared fast.

I read every marketing book, course, and system I could get my hands on, looking for “no-cost marketing’� ideas. I interviewed experienced marketers who’d been in the business for decades. And I created a special file of every “free advertising” trick, technique, strategy, and secret I could find.

Long story short, I found a handful of amazingly simple, yet powerful methods to get thousands of dollars worth

Since then, I’ve helped many, many business owners solve their business and marketing problems ‘” through “Free Advertising’�:

In fact, here’s why I think “Free Advertising’� is important to add to any business, no matter what stage it’s at…

By the way, people WANT to do business with the celebrities in their market. Even if you don’t want “fame’�, this “instant celebrity’� translates quickly into more sales.

If you’re looking for a way to separate yourself from your competitors ‘” and create a fast, strong relationship with your market, the key way to do it is through “Free Advertising”.

I’ve taught my “Free Advertising’� strategies at live marketing conferences and workshops.

I’ve contributed chapters on no-cost marketing to books and courses. And I even published my own “Free Advertising Riches’� course a few years ago ‘” and sold a few hundred thousand dollars worth.

In fact, here are just a few testimonials and “Success Stories’� from people I’ve taught my methods to.

Stuart Ross ‘” Financial Freedom Coach recommends The Free Advertising Academy to his students!

“I used only 2 strategies and it will bring in over $7,000 in the next 3 months with no advertising costs. INCREDIBLE!!!’�

$3,650 Magazine Ad ‘” FREE! “You said it would work and it did. If you get this publication, take a look. I’ve got about 2/3 of a page ‘” Absolutely FREE! Many advertisers pay good money for an ad that size in this publication ($3,650). As always, you’ve helped me greatly. You’ve convinced me to try this and it worked.’�

$97,550.10 ‘” With No Ad Cost! “Jeff is right on the money. No one has ever put this powerful technique into an easy-to-follow plan like Jeff has. He’s done an excellent job, too, and now anyone can learn his secret and profit from it. How well does it work? Just in the last six months I’ve used this method to earn the following amounts of money on just one of my projects: $3,598; $497; $248.50; $50,808.72; $23,764.86; $6,707.53; $10,827.58; $67.51; $1,040.40. Total = $97,550.10. Nearly a hundred thousand for the last six months on only one of my many projects, and best of all with no advertising cost! Not one cent came out of my pocket to bring in this income. You can do the same.’�

“Jeff Gardner is living proof that you can make a ton of money ‘” even if you’re starting with almost zero cash!’�

The Results are Impressive! “Congratulations on producing such an excellent program. So many times when purchasing other programs, vital parts and methods are omitted. But you, Mr. Gardner, are true to your word and give detailed step-by-step instructions exactly how to get free advertising. I have tried three of your techniques so far and the results are impressive. I have made $560 in just the first 2 weeks and expect the final total to be much higher. I look forward with great anticipation for your next exciting and informative program.’�

“…I used to think of press releases as the only way to get free advertising. This program was an eye-opener for me. It is a great tool-kit which opens up many doors to free advertising.’�

“There’s no greater satisfaction than knowing you’re making more money using ‘free advertising’ than your competitors make with PAID ads, on the very same page, in the very same publication… Read more…