All About Autoresponders

All About Autoresponders

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2 unique tools that rocket your product marketing effort to MAXIMUM profit ‘” quickly and easily ‘” guaranteed!

When I started my online business, I knew I had a lot to learn. One of the first things I kept seeing was that I had to use autoresponders to be successful.

OK, I thought, what are they and why? As I continued to read bits and pieces here and there, I began to get a picture of what autoresponders were.

Surely, I thought, somebody has a website that thoroughly explains these things and why every online business has to use them.

Then I started a newsletter, and needed an email list handler. I saw an autoresponder product that claimed to be the ultimate product to handle opt-in lists, so I purchased it and paid to have it installed on my web host’s server.

But I quickly found that it was missing a critical feature that it should have had to be a good list handler. A $100 mistake!!

Surely, I thought, somebody has a website that lays out all the autoresponder products side-by-side so I could see which one has the features I need.

Now you can take advantage of my mistakes and months of hard work, to kick your autoresponder power level to maximum!

The All-In-One-Place comprehensive buyer’s and user’s guide to your most powerful email marketing tool!

Dmitry Nanev, Developer of Sales Ratio Booster system, endorsed by some top marketers

tool, technique, tip and trick-packed E-book, updated and expanded, in PDF format and

Six practical steps to meet the 3 ‘musts’ with an automated email list builder and follow-up process

How to use autoresponders to provide on-demand information, with an illustrated example

How to use the nested sales sequence technique to increase your sales, with an illustrated example

How to set up an entire Pre-Sale, Sale and Post-Sale autoresponder campaign, with the complete All About Autoresponders sales campaign shown as an example.

Autoresponder applications you never considered, from the Autoresponder Idea Generator

You will also receive free upgrades to the e-book as new versions are released! Truthfully, the internet playing field changes more rapidly than any previous business environment. So do the tools of the trade for this playing field. Don’t rely on out-dated information. All About Autoresponders is continually updated with the most current information to make your use of autoresponders as successful as possible.

I just finished your new eBook “All About Autoresponders”. It is good. No, not good, GREAT. I like to think I know a little about autoresponders, but you taught me plenty.

This book is a keeper. I even printed out a hard copy to have quick access to all of the information. The “Dynamic Marketplace Web Site” is the “whipped cream and nuts” on the already great sundae.

Doc Phelps ‘” CEO A1eBiz Solutions FR*EE and PRO AutoResponder Accounts

Who can benefit from receiving a continual supply of the latest knowledge about everything in the autoresponder world?

New Internet business owners who are just learning the importance of autoresponders to email marketing and are looking for a good autoresponder product or a source of solid autoresponder application information.

More experienced business owners who use autoresponders but need to select one with more features.

Business pros that need to keep abreast of the latest autoresponder developments but know they don’t have time to do the continual research themselves.

In other words, if you are in business online, chances are you have a need for autoresponder knowledge that only All About Autoresponders can provide!

My name is Glenn Gordon and I am an electrical engineer, technical writer and Internet marketer living in the Kansas City area.

I want to help you get off to a flying start using autoresponders in your email marketing strategy, so I have searched out and included the best available supporting material as bonuses!

Your sales pages and email marketing messages are always just one mouse click away from being wasted. Words That Lose Money, Words That Make Money helps you to avoid the turnoff words and use the ones that lead to sales. “Words are like seeds ‘” each time you speak them you are planting a future harvest.”

No, this is not just any free autoresponder. I have convinced a major autoresponder supplier to provide one of their Pro version ad-free autoresponders free for 30 days. A great way to get acquainted with a full featured autoresponder product!

An introductory e-book to the whole subject of autoresponders, illustrated to aid in understanding. Learn the basics of how autoresponders work and where they can be used. Best of all, this e-book is brandable. Put your own name and link on every page and give it away! Plus you can add your own affiliate links for extra profits. Makes a great new subscriber gift. There’s nothing like it on the web!

Just released, a 61 page look at all the ways that a viral strategy can be added to virtually any Internet marketing strategy. Plus a chapter describing exactly what the elements are that make a strategy go viral, so you can design your own. There’s something here for anyone, new online or a veteran. And, this one is brandable so you can add you own name, URL and affiliate links. Plus, you can sell branding rights for a fat 60% commission! Two sales will more than pay for the entire All About Autoresponders package!!

Remember, searching the Internet can give you autoresponder information, but only All About Autoresponders concentrates that information and adds understanding! Why waste hours of your precious time researching, when All About Autoresponders and its included resources puts everything in one place in a simple-to-use format? Saving you time. Making you money.

P.P.S. Don’t you hate to make an Internet purchase with the nagging feeling that you might have missed… Read more…