Traffic Conversion Pro – Turn More Visitors into Leads and SalesTraffic Conversion Pro

Traffic Conversion Pro – Turn More Visitors into Leads and SalesTraffic Conversion Pro

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Welcome to our page! At Catchi we specialize in helping companies like yours improve their website so they get better results from it. We’ve offered consultancy for years with excellent results and to the satisfaction of our many clients, ranging from small to medium to large corporates who realize their site is leaking revenue but just don’t know how to fix it. In this new home study course, we share with you the exact steps and system of how we work with our clients and improve their results; it gives you the opportunity to up-skill in a fast growing topic and start optimizing your own website in an affordable, easy way with lots of clear guidance.

If you are looking for a smart, cost effective way to get more leads and sales out of your existing website and traffic, we may have something of interest for you. Please have a read and if our offering fits your needs in terms of digital marketing education and support, we invite you to consider taking our “Traffic Conversion Pro” course.

Here is how you can benefit. If your company has a website focused on lead or sales generation, chances are that you are spending considerable time and money on driving traffic to it. More traffic means more customers and leads, right? That’s true in a way. However: there is a whole other angle of working on your website that might not get as much attention, that has huge potential to improve the results you are getting. It’s an area more and more companies start to recognize as an untouched field of huge growth potential that makes so much sense to tackle.

As recognized experts in the science of turning visitors into customers we know the tricks and key factors through our years of experience and for the first time ever we have decided to share this valuable, “inner circle” knowledge with you.

The internet offers incredible earning potential. With ever growing numbers of target visitors eagerly searching for your products or services, you have a real chance of leading some of that growing traffic to your site and converting them into customers. However… simply the act of creating a website and putting your products and services on it doesn’t mean you are automatically going to get leads and sales from it. On the contrary…

If you answered “YES” to any of these questions, then this is exactly what you have been looking for!

I am about to show you the way to get your website challenges sorted once and for all in a systematic way with measurable results.

The expert team at my company “Catchi” offers consultancy to smart online marketers and companies that recognise the power of website conversion optimization as a tool to create more effective, highly converting websites. Due to our combined experience “in the field” we speak their language and can get to the essence of what they need to do to truly boost their site.

Fact is, that in this day and age, literally EVERYONE has a website, in particular each one of your competitors will most probably have one and unless YOU are smarter and more pro active than they are and put yourself ahead of the game by creating a winner website, you won’t get the leads and sales you want from your site; they will all end up buying on THEIR site!

Will YOU be in the driver’s seat of your site and enjoy those sales, or will your competition outsmart you? Are you ready to take control and blow them out of the water?

Many companies I come across in my consultancy are kind of tired of running around in the treadmill of Social Media and the latest fads, paying serious money for pay-per-click advertisement, trying to understand what to do next and working hard to keep up with their blogs and variety of Facebook and Twitter posts, without much result at the bottom line! You may have a small business or even be a one man band, or you may be part of a bigger organisation, the reality is that we ALL seem to face the same challenge when it comes to a lack of effectiveness of our site. Our site is leaking revenue, we just don’t know how to stop this.

You are certainly not the only one out there struggling with below average or even bad website statistics…

Being active on Social media is hard work as you need to keep working on it all the time. It’s worth it though as long as you make sure your website is effective in getting your visitor across the finish line! No matter how many people visit your site, the absolute Success Key is to actually convert them into buyers or leads, nothing else matters!

It’s only when I realised that big “aha” and started working on my websites FIRST, that my numbers started to look better and better and the online success I was visualizing and craving became a reality. Now it’s your turn!

Here at Catchi we know the digital market very well, and we saw a huge need for a cost effective, easy to follow course about creating and maintaining an effective website that supports you in your business goals instead of holding you back. A course teaching a system that ANYONE can apply successfully, including YOU, I promise.

It’s YOUR turn now to master your digital marketing and turn frustration into a feeling of victory and being in control; I will show you how to do that step by step with this powerful new course that will help you take years off your learning curve and get to the fundamentals and crucial tips straight away! It doesn’t matter what kind of website you have, these principles work on ANY site.

And that is not all, it gets even more exciting. Not only have… Read more…