Camtasia Training Screenflow Training PowerPoint Videos

Camtasia Training : Screenflow Training : PowerPoint Videos

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Screencast video is great. You just record what’s on your computer screen. You don’t have to worry about video cameras, lighting or even what you look like. And screencast videos can be just as powerful…sometimes even more powerful…than regular on-camera video.

But screencast video can also be confusing, intimidating and frustrating. How do you make crystal-clear, great sounding and eye-popping screencast videos, instead of fuzzy, distorted and hard to hear videos (like most people)?

That’s where we come in. With our training course, How To Screencast Like a Pro, we’ll show you step by step exactly how to create dazzling, crystal-clear, great looking and great sounding screencast videos. Just watch what we show you and then repeat. It couldn’t get any simpler. And it can’t get any faster.

That means anyone, including you, can start with our training today and be producing killer screencast videos tomorrow. Without ever worrying about (or spending money on) cameras, lighting, tripods or other equipment.

Everything is presented to you in plain English (no geek-speak) and we walk you through everything step by step. Your experience level doesn’t matter. With our training, you can go from clueless to pro in almost no time at all.

How To Screencast Like a Pro contains over 3 hours of step by step video based lessons (3+ hours for Windows users and 3+ hours for Mac users). You simply log into the training area and watch the lessons in your web browser, as much as you want and whenever you’d like (just like you watch all videos on the Internet). Or optionally, you can watch them from mobile devices like the iPhone and iPad too.

All you have to do is play the videos, watch what we show you and then repeat it yourself. It’s a lot like painting by the numbers. And we don’t waste your time with theory or technical mumbo-jumbo or teaching you things you’ll never need to know.

Instead, all of our lessons are laser-focused and straight to the point. We only teach exactly what you need to know for producing killer screencast videos in the shortest amount of time possible. No fluff. No filler. No useless information. Here’s just a small sample of what you’ll discover in our training:

How to properly size screencast videos…from recording to the web…for crystal-clear quality

Where to get the coolest images and templates for screencast presentations (and for dirt cheap)…

Do you absolutely need these tools to take the training? No. You can have older versions of PowerPoint/Keynote/Camtasia/ScreenFlow and still take the training without any problems. The newest versions of these tools just contain features that make screencasting easier and more powerful.

What if you don’t have any of these tools? Well, if you want to screencast like a pro, you will need to get them. For example, the video at the top of this page? It was created entirely using these tools (and the techniques we teach in the training).

Free trials are available online for PowerPoint 2010, Camtasia and Screenflow (Apple doesn’t do free trials ‘” so no Keynote trial is available). In other words, you can download the free trials and use them while taking the training.

“I’m blown away by the quality and depth of your training videos…’� ‘” Jared Lannister

“This is the best training I’ve ever purchased and I’ve purchased plenty…’� ‘” Nate Corray

“Our videos look so much better after your training, it’s night and day…’� ‘” Lena Gillen

“Brilliant. Your course puts those hype-filled Internet marketing products to shame…’� ‘” Nick Facioli

“I created my first video 2 days after starting your training. I started making sales just 2 hours later…’� ‘” Sherri Teale

“I highly recommend your course. It’s nice to know there are still people out there who over-deliver…’� ‘” Scott Gahl

Sign-up for our lessons today and we’ll throw in free bonus videos on a very hot topic…HTML5 and mobile video. There is a dizzying amount of information out there on how to make sure your videos will play on mobile devices like iPad’s and iPhone’s. And to be frank, it confuses the heck out of people.

There are no limitations or recurring fees. You pay once and you get instant, unlimited access to everything…forever.

I understand that I will be receiving unlimited, lifetime access to the training and the additional bonus videos. I can watch the lessons as much as I want, whenever I want, forever.

I understand that after making my payment , I will instantly receive login information giving me immediate access to all the training and bonus items (be sure to whitelist email from’�’�).

I understand this is online, 100% web video based training and that I will access all of the training via the Internet. Read more…