Adam Wong & Adam Khoo’s Lucky Bastard!
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If You’re Sick Of Your Dead-End Job And Gruelling 14-Hour Days, Then Read This Letter Now As I’ll Show You How To Build A Wildly Profitable Internet Business So You Can Ruthlessly Sack Your Boss!
I confess. I am a LUCKY BASTARD. Have a look at the income my websites are generating 24/7 on the Internet and it’s pretty easy to see why:
*Obvious Disclaimer: These are not typical results ‘” they are my results. Your results will depend on how serious you are at using this system to create results for YOU.
As you can see, I’ve been very consistent at generating a very satisfying full-time income on the Internet for the last 4 years. Now, the reason I’m showing you all this NOT to impress you, but to impress upon you that I do know a thing or two about how to make money on the Internet.
And just like you’ll only take driving lessons from someone who’s qualified to teach you how to drive ‘” if you want make money on the Internet, you only want to learn from someone who’s already generating REAL income on the internet right now.
In other words, you only want to learn from someone who’s qualified. I’m sure you’ll agree that’s just basic common sense!
Now The Best Part Is ‘” I Get To Do This Entirely From The Comfort Of My Own Home, Or Wherever There’s A Computer + Internet Connection!
You see, the great thing about my “work” is that I can do it anytime I want, wherever I want. In fact, I can choose whatever time I wish to wake up. I don’t suffer the Monday Blues, and I don’t have a boss harassing me to get work done.
I can go for a holiday anytime I want, I don’t need to beg the boss for leave on the days that I want and office politics are pretty much impossible for me (unless I decide to bitch about myself).
I can be anywhere in the world, away from my computer and my websites still churn a profit every month, week, and day ‘” 24/7.
So, if you’re screaming in your head right now, “Lucky bastard!’� then I think I really hit on the right tagline for myself. But the idea here isn’t to make you envy my lifestyle or my income level at all.
The point I want to make is: this whole super-duper-make-money-from-home-no-boss-required lifestyle is entirely possible for you as well.
And that’s the purpose of this website ‘” to share with you how you can create your own Internet business that can generate enough monthly income so that it eventually replaces your dead end job!
Now if you’re thinking I’m some of kind tech genius or marketing whiz, you couldn’t be further from the truth. I’m just a regular guy who happened to start an Internet business while I was still a university undergrad.
One day, I chanced upon an advertisement in the local newspapers about two guys who claimed they could make an “obscene’� amount of money using the Internet. They would demonstrate this in front of a LIVE audience. Needless to say, my curiosity was piqued. I went down to the free preview seminar and lo and behold, these two Internet marketers actually made over seven thousand freaking US dollars in just 45 minutes in front of a packed hall! I was blown away!
Who doesn’t want to make seven grand in less time than it takes to have a good lunch? I did and I wanted that kind of superpower!
And so, without much hesitation, I promptly signed up for the full, two-day seminar these two blokes were selling so that I, too, could become a successful Internet marketer. And here’s the biggest secret I discovered in that two day seminar…
That’s right! You don’t actually need to be an expert of any kind to make money on the Internet.
Instead, all you need to do is to partner up with an expert, create info-products based on his or her expert knowledge and then market the products for a tidy profit on the Internet.
When I discovered this secret, I immediately perked up because I knew an expert who I could work together to create products to sell on the Internet. His name was Adam Khoo ‘” a highly successful businessman, public speaker, and a multi-millionaire.
When we met, I pitched my idea of creating an info-product based on how he made his first million, selling it on the Internet and we’d split the profits. He had nothing to lose and I was doing all the work. It was essentially “free’� money for him if the whole project worked out. You know what?
He rejected my idea and then he made me an offer I couldn’t refuse. Instead of going through all the trouble of creating a new product from scratch, why don’t I just market the products he already had? And he showed me all his shiny CDs, books and home-study courses which could be easily digitized for sale on the Internet. I am sure my mouth was hanging wide open after AK hit me with that jackpot of a counter-proposal. You mean this multi-millionaire businessman wanted ME to sell his products online for him and have a share of the profits too?
But he wasn’t. He was dead serious and he was willing to give me a chance even though I had zero experience with Internet marketing and zero results to back me up.
AK had placed his faith and his trust in me and in my mind, there was no way I was going to let him down (honestly, I think I would have… Read more…