3 Benefits of Cafepress, Zazzle, and LuLu Stores You Didn’t Think of

3 Benefits of Cafepress, Zazzle, and LuLu Stores You Didn’t Think of

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3 Benefits of Cafepress, Zazzle, and LuLu Stores You Didn’t Think of… Plus My 3 Days of Wanting to Vomit

Cafepress is awesome. Zazzle is amazing. And LuLu is downright sweet. Most of these “print-on-demand” services offer an amazing opportunity for people like us.

In fact, I sort of stumbled upon Cafepress when I was looking for a gift for someone. When I saw that Cafepress let people upload graphics to t-shirts, I thought, “Hey… I helped pay for a good part of college with t-shirts back in the day… why not do some of that stuff again?”

So, I did. I posted a couple designs (even though I’m not even an artist), I told a few people about my “store”, and BAM! I started getting sales. Not only that…

So, I thought, holy crap! I’m loaded with ideas, I could do this over and over again. And Whoa! What if I actually made an effort to drive a lot of traffic to my “stores”?!

Well, I did. I drove traffic to them and to make a long story short, I started getting sizable chunks of money each month…

Cafepress, Zazzle, LuLu, and other print-on-demand services do all of that stuff for you. (Now, sure, you could make more money if you did all of that stuff in-house, but you could also lose a lot more money that way.) Imagine how sweet it’ll be when you start getting “bonus” checks every couple of months for “work” you did months and months ago.

You get the idea… what I’m trying to say is that these services (Cafepress, Zazzle, LuLu and others) are awesome.

Well, I didn’t use anyone’s name… I didn’t break any laws… and I didn’t even violate any of the Cafepress Terms of Service…

But, before receiving that letter, I was on to something… I started receiving orders for shirts, hats, mugs, bags, and stickers from all over the US, from Canada, from the UK, from Italy… and even from as far away as Australia and South Africa. And I didn’t have to do an ounce of customer service or spend a dime on shipping. Cafepress took care of all of that. Sweet, huh?

Yeah, it was sweet, until that letter arrived. They cc’d Cafepress attorneys, too. And I had to shut it all down. Fortunately, my mistake wasn’t big enough to actually complete a lawsuit… and I didn’t have to pay anything. It was recognized as an honest mistake… eventually, but I still had 4 or 5 days of wanting to do nothing but vomit.

If you use Cafepress, Zazzle, or LuLu, then there are a boatload of mistakes that could really cause you to waste a lot of time, a lot of money, or both. And, with your permission, I’m going to share them with you. 13 (Unlucky) Mistakes.

You get 13+ downloadable videos along with their corresponding audios… covering 13 HUGE mistakes people make with print-on-demand services. And I give you specifics on how and why to avoid these mistakes.

This kind of product… with all of these videos and audios would easily sell for $97 or more. But the way I see it is this… the more people I help with my stuff, the more people will want my other stuff. So, this isn’t $97… It’s not even $47… Nope… Just $27.

Check this out… instead of paying $27.00 for the 13 Unlucky Mistakes videos, you will pay less than 5 bucks. It’s completely optional, of course, and I realize that one size does not fit all.

So, here are 3 options for you to choose from. But before choosing, honestly ask yourself this question: “What will it take for me to feel successful with my Print-on-Demand Store?” Everyone’s a little different. Some people just want to make their first dollar online. Others want to make a few hundred extra dollars per month online… passively (after putting in some work up front). And still others are experienced marketers and want to start taking their online presence offline, boost their site’s search engine rank with incoming links, hold contests for affiliates, etc.

Your success with this stuff depends on your effort. It depends on you taking action. This stuff isn’t automatic from the very beginning. You have to put in the time and effort up front. Now, fortunately, a lot of this is “set it and forget it”, so once you have it up, you can do other stuff, but it’s up to you.

So anyway… there are 3 levels. White, Red, and Black Belts. Black is the highest and is for experienced marketers. Although everything from the lower levels is present in the Black Belt ‘” Master Level, it is only for people who already have experience online. White Belt is the level you want if you’re a beginner. And Red if you’re in between.

Pretty simple… just click the “Add To Cart” button that corresponds to the level you want to try free for 30 days. You will then be sent to the order page where you will be billed $4.97 for the “Mistakes You Must Avoid With Cafepress and Zazzle” videos.

Go ahead and pick which PressFoo Training level you want to try free for 30 days with your $4.97 purchase…

If you’re brand new to this internet marketing stuff, this is the level for you. Here’s what you get in the PressFoo White Belt Beginner Training:

Choose this option if your experience falls in between the other two levels. Here’s what you get as a PressFoo Red Belt Trainee:

As mentioned above, this is for experienced marketers only. Here’s what you get with the PressFoo Black Belt Training:

Each level has a different monthly fee that will start after your 30-day free trial is up. Of course, if you cancel before the 30 days is up, no sweat. The Mistakes You Must Avoid videos are yours. And all… Read more…