AuctionProTemplates -Taurus eBay Store and eBay Listing Template
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The Taurus template from Auction Pro Templates is so easy to configure. Watch our step-by-step tutorials, making changes along the way, and before you know it, you will have your own custom eBay store. Use the template as many times as you like. Be creative and you can have a whole new look with each use.
Try to imagine the products you sell or would like to sell in this template. Fact is, the Taurus theme has all the bells and whistles. We didn’t hold anything back with its design. But we didn’t stop there. Our easy to follow step-by-step tutorials allow the absolute beginner to join in on the eBay fun. And if you already have some experience with web design, jump straight to the video that can help you. Remember, getting your custom eBay store to look like you want it to look is important. To you, and to Auction Pro Templates. After all, our reputation is riding on it.
The Taurus template is currently our best seller. As diversified as a template can be, with the Taurus template you can change colors, add your logo, change banner, slider and many more customizable features. Don’t want a slider, don’t use it. It’s that simple.
Some of our customers that have purchased the Taurus template found it so easy to customize that they have opened another eBay store and used the Taurus template again giving it a completely different look.
There are two types of eBay store owners. Those that are doing it for some extra cash and those that are trying to make a living on eBay. Both have a purpose. To turn visitors into customers. In either case, our Taurus eBay store & listing template could easily separate you from the rest of the pack in your niche.
Studies have shown that a visitor will determine in 8 seconds or less whether or not to spend more time in your store. Auction Pro Templates understands the need to catch the eye of the visitor and give them reasons to stay. Lets face it we live in a world where people do judge a book by it’s cover. What do you want YOUR visitors looking at during their first 8 seconds. Below is an image of the eBay default store and our Taurus eBay store. Which would you buy from?
Customizable top navigation that allows you to change text, links and colors easily. Great for custom pages. Video tutorials will guide you.
Fully dynamic categories for the store. It pulls in the categories that you set in manage my store section. eBay allow up to 3 tier and are easy to turn on and off.
A related products slider for your custom homepage. This slider allows you to up sell other products you may have on your eBay. Watch tutorial to learn how to edit.
We have customized the newsletter so it blends in with the template. By getting customers to join your newsletter you can do some up-selling.
Customize your tabs. Perfect for Product Description, Shipping, FAQ’s and other information that will be the same on all listing pages.
Use this section to add your social media preferences and payment options. Social media is a must today. Add your social icons you use.
The Taurus listing template comes with a zoom on hover effect. Hover over the main image and the zoom feature will show you the image up close next to it.
Use the eBay promo section like The “Ending Soon” and “New Arrivals” sliders to help up-sell some of your products, easy to use.
With all of these features at your fingertips, along with On-Demand videos for your convenience whenever you want to watch them, the templates at Auction Pro Templates are like no others.
All of this value at a fraction of the cost others are charging for what they call templates. The Auction Pro Template team understands these key points. You want to make money on eBay. Period. And you want to have a professional looking eBay store but don’t want to spend a lot of money to get it. Point taken. Check out our Portfolio Page to see the quality of our work, then check our prices. We’re sure you will be shocked.
All of the below templates are created using Taurus theme. We created these designs to give you an idea of things that are possible. As you can see you are not limited to just using this great eBay template just for fashion. You can use it for mostly all types of products.
What Software Do I Need? To make some edits, all you will need is a text editor, like the free Notepad++ that has a find and replace feature.
Do I Need Hosting ? Yes. You will need a place to store your images and files so that eBay can display them correctly. However, there are many free hosting providers, like For us, we always recommend Blue Host as it is reliable and has a 99% uptime. It does not matter which hosting company you use, but you need to make sure they are reliable.
Do I Need To Know How To Code? No, we have done all the hard work for you. You will need a really basic understanding of computers as you will have to do some find and replace and also copy and paste. Everything is explained in our 17 easy-to-follow video tutorials that walk you step by step through the process.
Will I Lose All Products On eBay When Uploading This Template? No. It will not effect any products that you have in your store. The code simply works around everything you have on already.
Is This eBay Approved? Great question. We asked eBay to review with us what we are allowed to do regarding customization. “You can promote your store by personalizing the appearance and adding links and taking advantage of our promotional boxes… Read more…