World’s Hardest Exercises
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My name is Jim Kielbaso, and I’m glad you found this web site because I think it’s going to change the way you train. But, first I want to tell you a little about myself so you know where this stuff is coming from. I’m not some internet marketing writer who sits in an office coming up with programs to sell. I am the director of a very successful, multi-site sports training business in Michigan. I’m a former college strength & conditioning coach, hold a MS in Kinesiology, hold certifications from the National Strength & Conditioning Association and the National Academy of Sports Medicine and I’m the author of two books ‘” Speed & Agility Revolution and Weight Loss in Reality. I’ve also produced four training DVD’s and I speak at conferences and clinics all over the country. I work with a wide range of clients ‘” from professional athletes to people who just like to work their asses off.
The reason I tell you all of this is so you understand that I’m not some random guy who threw some exercises together and started selling stuff online. This is all the crazy stuff that my strength & conditioning colleagues and I have been throwing at people for years in order to ratchet up the intensity to an insane level.
For years, people have been asking me to put together a book of all the crazy stuff and “finishers” I do (we call them finishers because these are perfect ways to finish a workout with a bang). After realizing how many people love to perform insanely difficult workouts and how many coaches, trainers and drill instructors want to put people through sick workouts, I finally decided to put it all out there.
No more secret ass-kicking exercises. Now every sick bastard who loves to beat his brains out at the gym can “enjoy” this kind of training.
Take a serious look at the endorsements on this page. These are real strength professionals, trainers and coaches, not internet guys who work together to sell each other’s stuff. Like I said, this is the real deal.
Robert Taylor, Jr., SCCC, CSCS*D, CCS, PES, CES, CSES, NSCA-CPT*D, NSPA-CPT Head Strength and Conditioning Coach ‘” Loyola University Maryland
I’ve been strength training for over 15 years and have literally done tons of workouts, and I can say I’ve never seen anything even close to World’s Hardest Exercises. This is worth every penny!”
I’ve seen (and wasted my money on) a lot of crap on the internet, so I can understand if you’re a little skeptical about this actually being different. There are a ton of products out there by so-called experts who say they have new and interesting stuff you’ve never seen before. Then, you get it and it’s the same stuff we’ve all been doing for years. That’s really frustrating, and I can assure you this isn’t another crappy product like that. Let me be clear about what this is and what it is not.
These are real exercises that you can do (or work up to if you’re a big baby) or modify depending on your level of strength or fitness. This is real, but you’ve probably never done or seen most of this.
But, I need to be perfectly clear about something. If you’re a big baby who doesn’t like to work hard, you’re probably not going to like this book very much.
If you’re the kind of person who likes to sit on the exercise bike for a few minutes, get a couple of sets in on the leg extension machine, then hit the sauna….don’t get this book. If you like to lift chrome plated dumbbells and do toning exercises for your inner thighs….don’t get this book. You’re just not going to like it.
I could have included a bunch of complicated lifts like the snatch, clean or jerk, but those lifts are so technical that I didn’t even include those. I could have (because they’re hard), but I purposefully didn’t.
There is also not a single kettlebell exercise in here. That’s a totally different training style that I don’t even get into here….so you know there is going to be some good, new stuff in here.
I’m also taking ALL of the risk out of this. If you’ve continued reading all the way down here, I’m so sure you’re going to love this that I’m putting my reputation on the line with a better-than-money-back-guarantee.
“World’s Hardest Exercises is a perfect for anyone interested in testing their limits of physical and mental toughness. Regardless of whether you are a coach or a weekend warrior, these exercises will inject new life into any workout. I can’t wait to use all of these with our team….and for myself.”
“I’ve been training with Jim for years, and he keeps coming up with crazy stuff to kick my ass. I love it. The exercises in this book are awesome and I haven’t seen them anywhere else. If you’re like me and love working out incredibly hard, you’re going to love this book. There is simply nothing else like it out there.”
“I work with a lot of athletes and I love training hard myself. World’s Hardest Exercises has given me a ton of new options that I never would have thought of. The descriptions absolutely crack me up, and it’s very easy to skim through to find what you want. If you like working out, or you train other people, there is absolutely no reason on earth that you don’t have this book. It’s that… Read more…