The Marine Body

The Marine Body

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It’s obvious that your eyeballs landed this page for a reason…and let me assure you ‘” it may very well be the most important thing you read in 2014.

You might be a little surprised if I told you that were suffering from a little known problem that over 70% of guys unknowingly have.

Don’t worry because right below I teach you exactly how to naturally correct it for good…just like my client, Mark Stephenson did back in 2012. Mark was a personal training client of mine in 2012 and probably just like you, he had an extremely chaotic life at the time he came to me for help.

And I was lucky that he did come… because he later admitted to me that I was his, “last attempt’�, to escape the hell he was living in. Well you see ‘” before it all happened, Mark was a former Marine Infantryman for 4 years. He decided to get out of the Marines when he and his wife found out they had a baby girl on the way.

With his newfound sense of fatherhood, a loving wife and abundant health, Mark probably couldn’t have been more excited and happy about his life. On TOP of that, he began his career as a Real Estate Consultant in one of the best locations in the city.

Now, if we just take a moment to fast-forward 4 years down the road to 2012 to where it all changed for the worse…

Mark literally has no time for anything, literally. Aside from being neck deep in work, he has almost no energy for anything outside of Real Estate.

He and his wife are growing apart because of lack of attraction and sexual desire (his doctor blamed it on “low-T’�, btw).

They have plenty of money, but aren’t very happy with their lives because both have gained 20 pounds of fat over the past 4 years.

Mark used to be a varsity basketball player and did 4 years in the Marines and there is not a day that goes by that it doesn’t pain him to think about his past. He remembers exactly how it felt to have vibrant health and energy, to have a ripped body and almost unlimited amount of libido.

Little did Mark know, that it was never meant to be this way. What he didn’t realize is that there are men out there that are able to live with optimal health, energy, and labido up to their dying day.

Now, I’m about to tell you exactly how to correct the issue that had been taking Mark hostage and destroying his happiness…

You see, Mark like most folks out there, had not grasped the concept of hormonal health as it relates to looking AND feeling strong.

Hormone imbalance is the black sheep in the room that has been hiding in the corner all along, we just didn’t realize it.

Let me explain the Lean Hormone Imbalance cycle, because it is probably happening inside of you at this very second (we will fix this naturally)

This has happened because we simply never give our digestive system a chance to catch up ‘” and as a product of a constant state of snacking and eating, our adrenal system becomes just as overworked as the college kid who has to have 6 red bulls just to stay awake because of a high resistance to caffeine.

This high level of constant high glycemic snacking combined with high stress is the atom bomb that is destroying our very ability to lose fat.

It’s safe to say that you are stressed these days… and getting anything less than 7 hours of sleep can cause a decent rise in cortisol levels, not to mention the vast amount of other stressors in your life.

Here’s an interesting fact: Testosterone and Cortisol work like a teeter-totter (also Newton’s Third Law). When one goes up, the other one drops in an attempt to maintain homeostasis within the body.

The ‘feel good’ hormone, that has constant control of emotions and feeling down. So what happens when you feel like crap?

So you see that we constantly end up back at #1 How many times a day do you repeat this deadly cycle?

Now that we have grasped the root problem, I am going to teach you how to fix all of this in as little as 8-minutes, 3 times per week.

The classic jet turbine has 3 primary engine components, and it is the function of these engine components that closely resemble 3 distinct processes in fat loss:

See, one thing that the fit people have right is that they have simply ignited the Fat Loss Turbine within their hormonal systems to work for them, instead of against them.

Strategically induce increased afterburn in large muscle groups. What Marines do correctly in their training is that they focus on hitting large muscle groups in a strategically synchronized manner.

Strategically induce optimal muscle growth and fat loss by pairing large muscle area exercises such as the shoulders and back with an exercise that involves raising your body from the ground to an explosive position. Traditional tabata circuit workouts were only designed to be 4-minutes in length, however, Turbine workouts involve two tabata circuits, which total 8-minutes.

Here are the three step-by-step instructions on how to optimize insulin in order to have the most positive effect on dopamine.

C. Eat high glycemic index foods to strategically reset insulin levels. You probably wouldn’t believe me if I told you that “strategically piging out once per week actually accelerates my fat loss’�… and no, I’m not kidding.

Not to mention ‘” a huge benefit that this system has given my clients and myself is more energy and more consistent sleeping patterns.

Now you’re probably wondering what makes me different than the thousands of programs out there. I’m… Read more…