TargetABS – 5 Worst Training Mistakes For Six Pack Abs

TargetABS ‘” 5 Worst Training Mistakes For Six Pack Abs

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If you’ve been trying to sculpt your stomach by doing loads of sit ups and other ab exercises this WON’T work, because these exercises can’t burn off the layer of fat sitting on your belly! Yes, ab exercises will help tone the muscles, but they can’t in themselves burn fat. Instead, you need to focus on doing specific fat burning exercises that will burn off the layer of fat sitting on top of your belly.

When you’re training to get ripped the REAL secret is NOT working muscles in isolation, but rather working several muscle groups together in one exercise to maximize how much energy and therefore fat you’re burning whilst also building lean muscle. Doing exercises like bicep curls or tricep push downs just won’t stimulate enough muscle fibres and exert enough energy to effectively burn fat and build lean muscle all over your body.

We all know that cardio is important but here’s a big tip for you ‘” not all cardio was created equal. Doing long sessions of steady-state cardio (running on the treadmill for an hour) not only takes up all your workout time (and is boring) but it also eats into your muscle too! If you’re trying to get a great physique you need to be maintaining your muscle and only burning fat. On the next page I’ll explain to you a scientifically proven method guaranteed to burn fat for up to 24 hours or more that also maintains your muscle too…

When you keep doing the same workouts week in week out, your body adapts and becomes used to it…you’ll hit a plateau, get stuck and quickly become de-motivated. Simply changing your routines will keep your body guessing and will prevent your body from hitting the dreaded plateau! We are creatures of habit, and like routines, but when it comes to your training this is a definite result KILLER.

Rest is just as important as training, as this is when your body grows and repairs muscle tissue. Lack of sufficient rest will prevent your body from repairing itself and becoming fitter and stronger. Quantity never beats quality, so if you’re continually training for long periods of time and not seeing the results you want then you know now it is time for a change. You can’t do more of the same type of training and expect better results! Let me explain to you the real methods that work like crazy by clicking the next page button below.

By clicking on the next page button below I will show you exactly how to super charge your workouts, burn serious amounts of fat, build lean muscle and get you a lean, ripped body using scientifically PROVEN methods that utilise your bodies own fat burning potential. This seriously overlooked method is easy to follow and will cut your workout times in half. This method will require effort and hard work, but will seriously boost the results that you are seeing right now. So, if your ready to finally get the body you want, then click on the next page button below and let’s begin! Read more…