Successfully Treat High Blood Pressure – Natural High Blood Pressure Remedies

Successfully Treat High Blood Pressure ‘” Natural High Blood Pressure Remedies

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For a really obvious reason you’ll understand in just a moment, I’m only going to show you this page once. So please don’t gloss over what’s written here.

Stop Worrying and Suffering, Like Your Parents Did ‘” Your Parents Didn’t Know About This Proven Natural HBP Treatment, But You Will…

My name is Craig Anderson, though these days a lot of people know me as “The Blood Pressure Guy.” You see, I’m a bit of a zealot. Ever since I “cracked the code” on simply and naturally lowering your blood pressure and combating the deadly effects of hypertension, I just can’t stop talking about it. But I wasn’t always this way…

The other part of this report will infuriate you. Read on as I blow the whistle on the greedy pharmaceutical companies and reveal the slimy tactics they use to suck money straight from your pocket. Trust me, your blood will boil hot with rage after your read this… and you just might flush your expensive pills right down the toilet.

Once upon a time I was just a poor, suffering college kid who experienced the devastating effects of high blood pressure first hand.

*Your results may vary based on your situation and circumstance. The testimonial above is a result of the individuals outcome following the guidelines outlined in the High Blood Pressure Remedy Report. If you are not happy with our report for any reason, you are entitled to our 60 Day, No-Questions-Asked, 100% refund.

It was just after six when the phone rang. I was curled up in my dorm bed. My hand crawled blind onto the night stand, grabbed the receiver and pulled it under the covers to my ear.

“Craig Anderson?,” asked the voice of Pete, the shaggy-haired punk rocker who worked as a door guard downstairs.

That woke me up. This was in Duluth at UMD. My Mom lived a good hour away and even fog-brained like I was I knew there was no good reason for her to come into the city at 6 AM on a snowy Saturday

“Hold on,” he said. Then I heard some low whispers in the background. He came back on the line. “They’re coming up,” he said and hung up with a *click.*

I saw my Mom, my brother, my Aunt and my Grandmother and all four of them had been crying. My Mom had a tissue to her eye. She said “Your father’s dead, honey. Get your things.” I looked at my older brother. He nodded slow with a pained half-smile. My whole world fell apart.

It turns out Dad had gone quickly. He’d come home from a business trip, poured himself a drink and had a massive, fatal heart attack while watching the tail end of a Vikings game. He was just 47 years old.

Because I want you to understand how passionately and personally I take the topic of high blood pressure and hypertension. . . and because I want you to understand how I felt just a few years ago when the nurse pulled the blood pressure cuff off my arm and told me that I had stage two hypertension and a blood pressure reading of 170/100.

Fear that I could be dashing down the same deadly path that had ripped my father out of my life all those years ago.

Fear that all the time I’d spent screwing around with my health, eating the worst crap I could get my hands on and planting my butt on the living room couch had done me permanent and irreversible harm.

And most of all fear that if I didn’t do something ‘” and do something now ‘” I was going to leave my wife without a husband and my kids without a Dad ‘” something I had sworn on my own father’s grave that I would never, ever do.

I went home that night and spent hours just staring at my beautiful little four-year old son. And I made a decision right there that I wouldn’t just go along with doctor’s orders, pop a few pills and hope for the best like my father did. I was going to take control of my health, get the real, blunt and honest truth about what does and doesn’t work when it comes to lowering your blood pressure and do everything in my power to regain control of my health and my life and avoid the deadly fate that claims more than 50,000 Americans each and every year.

Blood pressure is the force your blood exerts on your arteries as it flows through your body. If you have high blood pressure it means that your blood is exerting too much force on your arteries and is making your heart’s job'”pumping blood'”more difficult than it should be.

Now, your heart is a powerful and efficient muscle, but if it’s forced to work too hard for too long it can enlarge, wear out or fail, causing a heart attack, stroke, aneurysm… and an early death.

When you have your blood pressure taken, you’re given two numbers referred to as your Systolic and Diastolic blood pressure.

Your Systolic blood pressure is the measurement of the pressure your blood exerts on your arteries when your heart beats, while your Diastolic blood pressure is the measurement of the pressure your blood exerts on your arteries when your heart is at rest.

If your blood pressure consistently reads in the Hypertension or Pre-hypertension categories, then you need to take immediate and lasting action if you want to live a long and healthy life.

According to the American Heart Association, about 65 Million Americans over the age of 20 have high blood pressure. That’s about one in three adults.

In 2003 more than 52,000 Americans died from complications related to high blood pressure. Between 1993 and 2004 the rate of death from high blood pressure rose nearly 30 percent.

I immediately got to work doing research on all the… Read more…