The Juicing Factor – Healthy Lifestyle & Weight Loss

The Juicing Factor ‘” Healthy Lifestyle & Weight Loss

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Did you know that 69% of Americans are overweight or obese? That’s right, almost 7 in 10 people are considered obese and therefore unhealthy and at risk for their lives. And I mean that literally. People suffering from over weight are lowering their life expectancy by an average of 10 years according to the NIH.

‘�On top of living a shorter amount of years, people suffering from overweight and obesity are putting themselves (and indirectly their families) at risk. Obese people have up to 10x more risks to develop the following diseases according to the NIH:

Not only can all these health issues kill you and leave your family resourceless. These diseases also make life excruciating and consume most of the patient’s resources. While you are spending your time in waiting rooms, hospital checks ups etc, healthy people are living their lives, spending happy moments with those they love and building ever lasting memories.

In fact, the average obese person spends on average $2,741 extra per year in medical bills compared to a healthy person according to the Harvard School of Public Health. That’s money you could have spent on a vacation, your kid’s education or buying the house of your dreams.

But statistics and dollar numbers alone can not explain how bad being overweight is, there’s no way to put a number on the way people look at you or judge you based on your appearance in this world. Overweight people are on average less successful, earn less money and are less happy in love.

‘�As a result, depression rates are up to 3x higher for overweight and obese people, the reasons being a mix of low self esteem, impossibility to find a mate, social isolation and once again, the list goes on.

One thing to add as well is that if you let yourself be overweight for too long, you’re retraining your brain to think this is your new “normal” weight. As a result, any weight loss effort you attempt will become increasingly difficult. The more you wait, the harder it gets. ‘�

Clearly being overweight is not pleasant and anyone finding themselves in that situation should do everything in their power to get out of it. But there’s one little issue…’�

Dieting is HARD. Plain and simple. Most people ever attempting to lose weight fail. This is both due to the power of will in each of us and the amount of misinformation spread around so that a few can make a lot of money out of your distress.

When you live in the real world, the world where you are busy with school, work, kids, parents, emergencies etc, diets are almost impossible to follow. They will require you to eat exactly what they prescribe, they will not tolerate any “adaptation” and as soon as you need to eat out or step out of a carefully planned routine, your diet is ruined. Making it effectively impossible to follow for those of us who live in real life.

Plus, let’s be honest for a second here. Starving yourself with a salad without dressing when the rest of the family is eating burgers and fries or Italian pasta is just not fun. It’s not something anyone is looking forward to and it’s not something you can maintain over time. This means that you will eventually regain bad eating habits (and weight) as your power of will erodes.

Actually, a scientific study revealed that 4 years after going through a diet, most people weighted more than they did before the diet, showing the massive failure rate of even the concept of dieting. Why Do diets fail ? There’s a scientific reason for that…

Your body is designed for 2 things in life: survival and reproduction. This means that if you drastically drop the amount of calories you take in, your body will assume you have less access to food and trigger several survival mechanism that will work against your weight loss effort, making it even harder for you to lose the extra weight.

Think of your brain like a thermostat for your body. It just tries and adjust your body weight to what it thinks is right and when its too skinny or taking in too few calories, it will trigger systems to maintain energy and calories in. These systems include slowing down your metabolism so you burn up to 400 calories less per day.’�

‘�It will also trigger hormonal responses that will create the cravings we all know. It means that it will deliver more endorphines when you cheat on your diet and make you addicted to them to build up the motivation to refill the fat storage. That’s why dieting is so hard and overall extremely inefficient. While you’re suffering to lose pounds, your brain is working hard to retain them and gain them back. It’s literally an uphill battle you can not win in the long run.

I want to share with you my 30 day juicing program that is guaranteed to make you lose weight. This is no ordinary program though. It follows the principles that make 99% of the thin people around us maintain their weight:

When it comes to weight loss, there is no “secret formula” no “magic pill”. Your salvation resides in healthy life choices. I’ve spent the last two decades experiencing with my own weight struggles and as a nutritionist. I’ve helped thousands of people just like you to lose weight by making the right choices and shown them weird tricks to achieve it painlessly yet effectively.

While all the juicing gurus out there will claim that you need to go on a “cleanse” and “diet”. I refuse this approach. As I said earlier, this is not sustainable. You can not maintain it over time and therefore, you will gain the weight back if you go this route.

My method is a food supplementation method. You will use highly nutrition, freshly made juices ‘�recipes I’ve been experimenting with for years to assist with… Read more…