RMAX Clubbell 5×5

RMAX Clubbell 5×5

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Alberto Gallazzi, bodyguard to heads of state, Hollywood superstars, and fashion icons, proved to be far more than a strong shield. After many years of preparing teams of protection agents to replace him and protect some of the world’s highest profile individuals, he demonstrated that he was a master coach as well. Accompanying me from one nation to the next, in all levels, from special operations units to high security clearance government facilities, he assisted me in sharing TACFIT and Clubbell training around the world.

I watched him not only grow as a coach, but integrate his extensive and cross-disciplinary background to develop new approaches to developing strength in all functional angles and necessities. Clubbell 5×5 is more than a shield. It is an intelligently designed weapon for cultivating aggressive muscle mass and expressible power.

He will take us as a community in an untapped direction, and will change the industry with his quiet humility. I am very proud to bring you “The Captain” Alberto Gallazzi’s volcanic approach to strength training: Clubbell 5×5!

Scott Sonnon, TACFIT Tactical Fitness Founder Creator of the Patented Clubbell RMAX International Chief Operations Officer

…to the days when I was serving as a close protection agent, I always trained to be stronger and more functional for my line of work and less for my physique.. Of course I always kept an eye on my food intake but more for quality and not on quantity. In other words a six pack was not my top priority. Over time, I began living a very stressful life with many hours on duty and no specific time for either training or eating properly. This became a nightmare. For exercise, barbells and dumbbells were the main tools available at the unit office and while abroad.

My problem is that I never really liked conventional training and I always tried to spend the least time possible with conventional exercise. I always trained myself with various unconventional lifting or presses and pulls. I wanted to challenge my body with each workout and I would train every single day except Sunday! Of course my training sessions have never been very long (time was restricted) however they were intense. I never trained to the point of exhaustion because I always believed that we should train to create energy for other activities and not to roll around on the ground sore after exercise.

…I found an old book that was explaining about a system that was very popular in the late 60’s called 5×5! It was love at first sight. 3 compound exercises with 5 reps and 5 sets followed by 2 finisher exercises. I immediately tried the system as it was and I felt great. The only thing I changed was the daily schedule and adapted my regimen based on my bodies feedback day by day. I quickly realized I was getting stronger fast and guess what?..I continued to develop more strength, more weight and then more muscle. My head started thinking of the possibilities and I started to research more. During the next several years I was lucky to start working alongside an old friend that became my coach, Scott Sonnon and his CST system.

…I was introduced to the tool of my life…the Clubbell! I focused years of training to refine the techniques before exploring a new area and dimension of swinging and pressing for my personal fitness needs. In my opinion, the Clubbell is one of the best pieces of training equipment out there. A few years ago, I designed the 1st 5×5 Clubbell approach based on 3 compound exercises and 2 finishers, to run in different variations and progressions. People that trained with it started to ask me for more because they saw quick, actual results in regards to their functional strength and also their body composition. Since I am the kind of man who likes to experiment with a new strategy, I experimented with swinging and pressing a 90 lb Clubbell all the way down to some complex movement with a single lightweight one. In those trials, I realized that some of the power was gone in one direction. My brain started to work again and I have now designed what I believe will challenge all the Clubbell swingers out there and improve their strength in a new way.

Special thanks to my mentor and brother Master Coach Scott Sonnon for changing the way I see fitness!

At the age of 18 I volunteered for the Army serving in the airborne division and later becoming very active across many units.  When I left the army, I went on to manage security personnel in different clubs in Italy and abroad. After a while, I decided to move to the United States. I spent 5 years traveling the country studying various styles of martial art and learning from the best coaches. During this time I worked for different security companies, including a bail recovery agent in California.

After 5 years in the United States, I was hired by a Swiss Diplomat to head his security and I moved back to Europe. I found myself working close protection security across the EU, Middle East, South Africa, and more.  I ended up opening a security and training company, Secutor, which provided physical training and designed combat specific curriculum for special forces in Italy and abroad.

“I used to compete in the Korean traditional martial art games and would experience many injuries during that time. This is what initially sparked my interest in exploring joint mobility programs. After treating my injuries with joint mobility, I began seeking joint strength and performance enhancement. If joint mobility restored my body, Clubbell 5×5 gave me joint strength and athleticism. The Clubbell 5×5 program enhances strength in the full range of motion which is called “Circular Strength”. The Clubbell is the only tool that can improve “Circular Strength”.  We need this 3-dimensional strength for sports… Read more…