4 Minute Money

4 Minute Money

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“Bullsh*t! You Can’t Make Money in 4 Minutes! (That’s What I Used To Think, Too…)

In a world where everyone is being pulled in 37 different directions per minute … adult onset A.D.D. on the rise … nearly impossible to focus on any *one* thing for more than 10 minutes at a time, what’s a person with greater aspirations to do?

How the heck are we supposed to pay off our debt, pay that increasing mortage payment, save for a vaction, or heaven forbid ‘” “Keep up with the Jones” anymore?!?

What we need is a way to take advantage of this channel-flipping, internet-surfing, Youtube-watching mentality. I mean, instead fighting our natural desire to ‘flip’ from one thing to another; why not HARNESS it?

“Gurus” try to make it rocket science. They try to talk over your head and explain these extremely intricate strategies and tactics. Do you wanna know why?

Because they know that if you feel like their product didn’t work for you because it was “too advanced” that you won’t ASK FOR A REFUND.

I’m sorry, but ‘that’ is a scam. They make you feel like YOU did something wrong “but you received great information, so it was money well spent.”

You see ‘” you’re told to build this business following their information “step-by-step” and I’m not saying it doesn’t work, but I’ve been in that exact position…

I spent $997 here, $1997 there ‘” and each one of those courses promised me “fast money”… they must have forgot to mention that “fast” to them meant staying up for hours on end, late nights away from my family, and then ‘poof’ 6 months later my business is almost set up.

Well I didn’t have 6 months to build a business and then wait for it to slowly make money. I needed money and I needed it fast ‘” my credit cards were late, my adjustable rate mortgage was on the rise, and I have a family of 4 that needs a lot of food, clothes, and other simple things to survive.

If you can afford to spend 6 months building a business and then slowly letting it build up from there, then let me save you the trouble… this isn’t for you.

This is for the person who doesn’t have much time on their hands and is looking to start bringing in money right away ‘” and squeeze it into their busy schedule, too! Interested?

I don’t want to waste your time because I know you have a million other things going on ‘” and, well, every few minutes you spend on this page is time away from actually implementing the money makers you’ll get instant access to. So…

Simply put, “4 Minute Money Makers” are extremely simple and surprisingly easy tasks that you put in place in a matter of minutes that bring in small amounts of money…

One may bring in a few hundred dollars here, a couple hundred more… and then others can bring in thousands (I’ll show you exactly how I get the thousand dollar paydays below ‘” it’s not hard).

This is NOT about building a business in the normal sense ‘” I mean, you “can” and that’s what I’ve done ‘” but this is far more powerful for the person just looking to pay off their credit card, get out of debt, pay their mortgage, or bring their family on a nice vacation.

You don’t sit around for 6 months hoping and praying that this is going to work ‘” you find out INSTANTLY.

Just like any other venture, we’ve all had ones that don’t succeed ‘” but with “4 Minute Money” you will find out which ones make money and which ones don’t instantly.

If I show you exactly what to do, can you spend a few hours doing EXACTLY that over the next 7 days and implement what I tell you to?

Within a few hours of implementing the “4 Minute Money Makers” most people can set up 10 or so (takes a little time for people to crank out their first ones because you’re learning as you go, but the more you do the faster it gets).

Now that you have these 10 ‘money makers’ in place, lets be extremely conservative and say that 9 of them fail..

Great question. No, my success rate with these is about 85%. For every 10 that I create, between 8 and 9 work ‘” it took me a few months to get the hang of things and get up to 8 out of 10 making me money, but I’ll show you everything I had to learn.

So, on the completely conservative side, 9 of your money makers FAIL that took you about a two hours to set up.

But you spend another few hours and create 10 more ‘” this time 3 of them work and bring in a few hundred dollars.

And sometimes you’ll hit the thousand dollar money makers like the ones I’ll show you proof of below.

The idea of “4 Minute Money” is to start small with very little time and build it up from there. Before you know it you’ve got a few thousand extra coming in each month…

Oh, and I forgot to mention the best part ‘” I’m going to show you how to make nearly ALL of this residual so you “set and forget” it once and it keeps paying you over and over again. That’s how you build this up into a six figure a year income if you want to.

Are you starting to get the idea now? How nice would it be if you had literally dozens of these money making projects paying you cash each and every month? Yeah I know. It sounds too simple, right? Listen, don’t be fooled by simplicity. Gravity is a pretty simple concept but it took till 1687 for Sir Isaac Newton to be bonked on the head with it and write it down.

Seriously, almost anyone can master the techniques in… Read more…